
Showing posts from June, 2013

Born: (Las Vegas), Nevada, United States

Freedom vs Expression; If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. ā€• Henry David Thoreau

Act 30, Scene 06, Year 2013, To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect. Oscar Wilde

Code X: At a completely unexpected time *

An instrument other than a watch for measuring or indicating time... *

The counting backward aloud from an arbitrary starting number to indicate the time remaining before an event *

A fictional or hypothetical device by means of which one may travel into the future and the past *

A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future *

A number, as of years, days, or minutes, representing such an interval *


Quote - Copy: I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be. Ken Venturi

Oops: Z Ā« Rewind!? - 3:00

Freedom vs Vanilla Ice Cream; Life is like an ice-cream cone, you have to lick it one day at a time. Charles M. Schulz

Z Ā« Rewind!?

Act 29, Scene 06, Year 2013, To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan... believe... act! ~ Alfred A. Montapert

And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake? Leonardo da Vinci

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Jake - Razor - ;-)


Si !!!

Dwayne + Hercules = Motivation

#nothingisimpossible - ;-)

NJPW: Hirooki Goto & Wataru Inoue vs. Kazushi Sakuraba & Katsuyori Shibata

Freedom vs Expression; ā€œWe must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.ā€ - Marie Curie

Act 28, Scene 06, Year 2013, ā€œA woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.ā€ ~ Diane Mariechild


Justin = Guess? - Female - Fan - Base!

Code X: The most famous King Midas is popularly remembered in Greek mythology for his ability to turn everything he touched into...!?

ā€œI believe in Justinā€

ā€œAll positive change in the world comes from our ideas of what we believe is possible.ā€ ~ Alexandra Jamieson

You Time: GUESS + TIƋSTO - Summer 2013 (Behind the Scenes)

Si 4 Justin !?

Take a look...!?

I forgot: Toy Story 2 - Thank you. Maybe ? - Thank you Ć  la 2.

Horses first - The rest later.

Keep calm & gallop on.

Classic - Ā« Rewind - Smile.

Freedom vs Expression; Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. ā€• Helen Keller

Act 27, Scene 06, Year 2013, A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. ~ Phyllis Diller


Typical response.....bla bla bla !?

The (department) was buzzing with rumors...!?

The (buzz) around the coffee machine...!?

Ideas - floating - all - around - you.

(Fudge) the coffee break... don't need it!!!

Hold tight to memories for comfort, lean on your friends for strength, and always remember how much you are cared about.

Idea: (Discover) the mystery - 1 special edition c - Worldwide - Cash prize (in)side #!?

Freedom vs Expression; Any problem, big or small, within a family, always seems to start with bad communication. Someone isn't listening. ā€• Emma Thompson

Act 26, Scene 06, Year 2013, The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. ~ George Bernard Shaw

Carmine: Al Pacino 4 Life.

Code X: Land of the Giants

Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away. ~ Elvis Presley

The King is back...

Truth is I'm never home#!?

All I'm offering is the truth #!?

Don't hang up#!?

Next time - My voicemail - Please leave a message.

Dialing... Halle Maria Berry...LOL#!?


Freedom vs Expression; Everything has changed. An interview has become such a confrontational thing. It makes you very defensive. ā€• Francesca Annis

Act 24, Scene 06, Year 2013, I might just stop talking again and not do interviews. ~ Prince

You Time: NJPW Prince Devitt vs Dragon Rojo Jr.

< Rewind

Backry: (You) da man !!!

You take a crash, you get back up and next time you succeed and that's a great feeling. ~ Shaun White

If you think about it; A very special edition of Monday Night Raw.

April 29, 1988 (age 25) Winnipeg, MB, CAN - ;-)

Good morning - Lord Stanley.

Hawks: On a Mission.

Dwayne - Great segment - Hero - Beers.

Bonne Saint- Jean Ć  Pat - Maryse & GSP.

Time will bring to light whatever is hidden; it will cover up and conceal what is now shining in splendor. ~ Horace

And that's the bottom line CAUSE...!?

Freedom vs Expression; Nearly everything I do is part of a master plan to make me the most important entertainer in the world. ā€• Bobby Darin

Act 22, Scene 06, Year 2013, It's not like I have a master plan or anything. ~ Gretchen Mol

Maybe: Battle - 4 - $$$ - (In)come.

Code X: Battle 4 Power.

I'm very confused...

Creative - Great job...

Hello: Red - Black & Gold.

Wrong place at the wrong time...

Renee - "Don't take it personally"

An exaggerated sense of self-importance...!?

It's a Family thing - Right!!!

Well well well, if it...!?

Wait - Holy c !!!

Attention: No man is lonely eating spaghetti; it requires so much attention. ā€• Christopher Morley

Act 21, Scene 06, Year 2013, The true art of memory is the art of attention. ~ Samuel Johnson

You Time: Post below.

Rewind: Do I Have Everybody's Attention Now ???

If you think about it; RT GALORE.

In great numbers; in abundance...

Dwayne: Not one, but two, maybe three...

Dialing... personal assistant.

Jordan: Episode - Wrestling Memorabilia.

Code X: Jordan Hembrough travels across the globe in search of rare vintage items to sell at the New York Comic Con.

My beard: September, October, November.

That's what you get for falling in love...

Freedom vs Expression; Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it. ā€• Rabindranath Tagore

Act 20, Scene 06, Year 2013, ā€œYou don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.ā€ ā€• Oscar Wilde

< Rewind

Code X

Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone - I hear you call my name - And it feels like home.

At every crossroads on the path that leads to the future, tradition has placed 10,000 men to guard the past. ā€• Maurice Maeterlinck

"There's a mystery going on..."

By the end of 1986 the Machines disappeared from WWE. The identities of these men remains one of World Wrestling Entertainment's unsolved mysteries. ā€• WWE Encyclopedia


A domani - Galaxy.


Freedom vs Expression; There is no exit from the circle of one's beliefs. ā€• Keith Lehrer

Special Act 19, Scene 06, Year 2013, Every exit is an entry somewhere else. ~ Tom Stoppard

Correction: The Exit = Galaxy

W VS E = Galaxy

Sempre piĆ¹ forte!

Ciao Bruno! come stai?

Dwayne: 5 000 000, soon - ;-)

You Time: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Prince Devitt (NJPW)

Alberto Real Madrid - SI!

Alberto Milanista - NO! - Extra - Alexander - SI!

Antonio Reale - ;-)

Good morning - Super Mario.

Good morning - Andrea P.

Italy vs Japan = 18:00 EDT

Unfinished Business...

Freedom vs Expression; I learned that we can do anything, but we can't do everything... at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything. ā€• Dan Millman

Act 18, Scene 06, Year 2013,Observe due measure, for right timing is in all things the most important factor. ~ Hesiod

Backry - It's all about timing - Little...

Was there ever even a question? Always bet on black. We are the emergent leaders and this generation is ours. #payback

Mind Games: Protect - Pepsi.

Code X

An approximate calculation = 25 000$

One of your 5 moves revolutionized Sports entertainment 4 ever - #NWO

# SaVe Us...


#Who's left?


Freedom vs Expression; In my definition of consciousness, consciousness is the same thing as life. What wisdom traditions also call spirit. ā€• Deepak Chopra

Act 17, Scene 06, Year 2013, Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. ~ Harvey Fierstein

Stranger - Definition - They forgot ;-)

Feeling of accomplishment = YES.

I like being nice, and I figured...

Guys & Girls - Girls & Guys: The Exit is near...

Social Media Command Center - Awesome - # 1.

You have to let go at some point in order to move forward ...

M - A : Clue # 1 - Steph - Paul - Exactly like last year - ;-)

Code X: Be creative - The Shield - Flags.

W VS E = Major Announcement - Friday, July 26th, 2013

The Good-Morning Exercise - ;-)

Legacy - Heroes - Courage - Passion - Respect.

R(y) V(y) D(y)

Freedom vs Expression; If the word 'No' was removed from the English language, ... would be speechless. ā€• John Hume

Act 16, Scene 06, Year 2013, I can't believe it. I'm speechless. It is amazing to see where I've come from the last two years. ~ Libby Trickett

Backry: I'm speechless...

The Sons of Hercules - Sword & Sandals Mythology - You.

Surprise: Jake Shields vs. Tyron Woodley

Alberto: Mexico vs Italy.

I forgot - Coach's Corner - Don - Punk - loves - hockey.

Are you ready 2 kick some serious a$$ !

Dialing... wake up !!!

So, what becomes of Chicago's disallowed goal ??? Series tied 1 -1 ...

No excuses: The goal was good - ;-)

Giacomo: Michael Jordan statue.

Time 4 You: Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada (NJPW)

Freedom vs Expression; The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure. ā€• Joseph Campbell

Act 15, Scene 06, Year 2013, A work of art is above all an adventure of the mind. ~ Eugene Ionesco

The Adventures of Hercules - YouTube

Risk & Reward.

Which route: Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow...

Appearance or presentation before the public.

Code X: The area of a field defended by a specified team.

Special Request: Atlantic City - Wildwood - Boardwalks - Stores - Paul Heyman - T - Shirts.

Heā€™s been called a renegade, a rebel, a mad scientist who changed the way the world sees sports-entertainment. But thereā€™s one word that best describes the man born Paul Heyman ā€” dangerous.

Albertino: Sunday, June 16, 2013 at 15:00 PM EDT

@WWEAJLee = Great job on Twitter !!!

I'm watching NJPW - Ricochet vs Devitt - You Tube.

Freedom vs Expression; Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, 'Make me feel important.' Never forget this message when working with people. ā€• Mary Kay Ash

Act 14, Scene 06, Year 2013, I have an answering machine in my car. It says, I'm home now. But leave a message and I'll call when I'm out. ~ Steven Wright

Thank you !!! Your message has been sent.

If you think about it - tall guy; Message Sent Successfully.

I'm watching - NJPW - Kazuchika Okada vs Minoru Suzuki on YouTube.

Perfect day to Believe...

Freedom vs Expression; Words are capable of making experience more vivid, and also of organizing it. They can scare us, and they can comfort us. ā€• Jonathan Safran Foer

Act 13, Scene 06, Year 2013, I have a very vivid imagination. ~ Janice Dickinson

A vivid mental image.

Perceived as bright and distinct; brilliant.

Roman Soldier: A (Walk) to Remember... 2 pictures.

Roman: Chi - ca - go !!!

"This time...It's personal."

Jericho is fishing in troubled waters...

Code X: One - Timer: 1-2-3.

This shot requires a very precise pass and excellent timing on the shooter's part.

The player carrying the puck passes the puck to the second player who immediately shoots the puck without attempting to control the puck first.

The one-timer is a type of hockey shot achieved between two players on the same team.

No !!! Not in bed !!! You all are sooo Silly !!!

What does One-Timer Mean ???

If you think about it...!!!

Freedom vs Expression; In a relationship you have to open yourself up. ā€• Neil LaBute

Act 12, Scene 06, Year 2013, Only the broken-hearted know the truth about love. ~ Mason Cooley

I take the term "dumped" very seriously. #RAW

" Big E "

ā€œI am (E)VERYTHING a diva should be"

Emma! Emma! Emma!

Italian: GiĆ¹, Beppe, Peppe, ...

Nice 2 meet you - Giuseppe.

Correction, Code XX: (Joe) DeFranco.

Blast from the Past - Welcome Home.

Time to take care of business !!!

The Most Interesting Man in The World: Call Paul Heyman - Heyman Hustle.


Parody Ć  la 2: Dos Equis Beer - (XX)

Parody: This segment is brought to you by - Dos Equis Beer.

I'm watching Hercules Unchained (1959) on YouTube.

W VS E; Time to open up a new chapter in life, and to explore a larger centre. ā€• Lillian Russell

Act 11, Scene 06, Year 2013, I try to have a mood or a rhythm for a chapter. ~ Robert Caro

"There's someone out there ... "

Do you believe you may have met that someone...???

Cheap Pop & Alexander Reale.

Personality test ~ It's all about you.

It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside. It's what's on the inside that counts.

The first chapter is the beginning of the book but it's not the beginning of the whole story.

Currently breaking hearts...

Push - up - push - down.

Kait, I choo - choo- choose - YOU, LOL.

Good morning - Sign Guy !!!

Freedom vs Expression; ā€œGood books don't give up all their secrets at once.ā€ ā€• Stephen King

Act 10, Scene 06, Year 2013, Ideally a book would have no order to it, and the reader would have to discover his own. ~ Mark Twain

"Masterful in its simplicity, this book captures the essence of..."

Sensitive to or appreciative of art or beauty.

Not easily c...

A strong defense.

Moral or ethical strength.

Good health or physical condition, especially as the result of exercise and proper nutrition.

A well-mannered and considerate woman with high standards of proper behavior.

If you think about it; Where the (Wild) Things Are, first published in 1963.

Freedom vs Expression; You've gotta be original, because if you're like someone else, what do they need you for? ~ Bernadette Peters

Act 09, Scene 06, Year 2013, But to me, to be original is to be yourself. ~ Marc Newson

Cesarino loves hockey...

Good old fashioned - Cesarino !!!

Good old fashioned pro hoc...wrestling !!!

Google Search - Images - The puck stops here.

The battle for supremacy continues...

Original 2: Boston vs Chicago.

The Hangover 3 - Wrestling segment.

If you think about it; The Hangover 3 - Search 4 Gold.

Freedom vs Expression; The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty. ~ Zig Ziglar

Act 08, Scene 06, Year 2013, Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. ~ Thomas Jefferson

A man regarded as having qualities of refinement associated with a good family.

Eager to learn more.

Pleasant, friendly.

Fond of the company of others.

Free from hypocrisy or dishonesty; sincere.

Capable of being relied on; dependable.

Adherence to moral principles; honesty.

If you think about it; Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person.

Freedom vs Expression; People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring. ~ Rogers Hornsby

Act 07, Scene 06, Year 2013, If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade. ~ Tom Peters

ā€œlet's cross that bridge a little further down the roadā€

V vs...

Mais cette fois-ci...

Code X: Piers Morgan.

But now, 12 years later, I've come to realize he's not really a...

ā€œA smile is a window on your face to show your heart is at homeā€

If you look deep within you can see the persons sincerity and truth!

ā€œThe Eyes are the window to your soulā€ ā€• William Shakespeare

If you think about it; Floor-to-ceiling windows offering sweeping, panoramic views.

Dialing... ?!

Don't get fooled by the simplicity of...

Freedom vs Expression; The more faithfully you listen to the voices within you, the better you will hear what is sounding outside. Dag Hammarskjold

2. One who informs, or imparts knowledge or news.

Act 06, Scene 06, Year 2013, 1. One who informs, animates, or inspires.

The Red & Black attacks... (Outbox)

Yes, it's already out.

Television timeout.

Those with deeper voices...

I listen: They tell me, ratings + statistics.

(Reverse) around the corner *

With one voice in complete agreement; unanimously.

Industry first *

To act as an informer *

If you think about it; He snitched on his comrades.


Freedom vs Expression; Learn to... be what you are, and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not. Henri Frederic Amiel

Act 05, Scene 06, Year 2013, Man must search for what is right, and let happiness come on its own. Johann Pestalozzi

Agusta Westland AW139 - HB ZUV.

Gulfstream G450 - HB JUS.

Destination Switzerland: Land of Castles and Fairy Tales.

Information pointing toward a possible solution; a clue.

Fifth lead - Swiss chocolate truffles and pralines.

Fourth lead - Dipping a cheese fondue with a long-stemmed fork.

Third lead -The Swiss Alps (German: Schweizer Alpen, French: Alpes suisses, Italian: Alpi svizzere, Romansh: Alps svizras) are the portion of the Alps mountain range that lies within Switzerland.

Second lead - Victorinox Swiss Army - Active - Base Camp.

If you think about it; First lead - Swiss bank account.

Rewind - Backry...

Freedom vs Expression; A good action is never lost; it is a treasure laid up and guarded for the doer's need. Edwin Markham

Act 04, Scene 06, Year 2013, A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid. J. R. R. Tolkien

Treasure hunt: "Not so far away"

Something beyond human power or control.

The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person is destined.

Reblog this: "He's on Bulldozer mode"

A heavy, driver-operated machine for clearing and grading land.

"You can't stop the Machine"

In the near future - NO !!!

Last night - YES !!!

If you think about it - tall guy; "Short, fast and direct."

Have a Nice Day - (Bon Jovi album)

"Always believe and have faith in the ... "

Freedom vs Expression; What really motivates people at Facebook is building stuff that they're proud of. Mark Zuckerberg

Act 03, Scene 06, Year 2013, When I first came out there was no such thing as Twitter or Facebook. And the blogs! Like, what is that? Christina Aguilera

Connect with W VS E and the GALAXY around you !!!

& Every(one)...

Ted: Everybody's got a price !!!

W VS E: It's not free and never will be *

Do I Believe in Timeline ??? - This is an unusual question !!!

Friends: About 2500 - Mostly Women.

Find more: Kryptonite on Mystery Island.

Share what's new: Everything and Nothing - Same old C... !!!

See photos and updates: Maybe one day *

Sign Up - Sign on the dotted line.

Female - Male: "Macho Man" - ;-)

Birthday: Month: July - Day: Not telling you - Year: 19 something.

New Password: Mystery - Machine.

My Email:

First name: Alexander - Last name: Deal.

If you think about it; Let's (face) it, this is my Facebook.

Def of in-fil-tra-tion: Red, Black & Gold.


It's Sunday and the sun just came out !!!

A Town, a Team, and a Dream...

There will now be a short intermissionā€¦

Exactly !!!

Give light and people will find the way. Ella Baker

Light is the symbol of truth. James Russell Lowell

A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside. Denis Waitley

Google search - Images for Sunday quotes.

I Believe in Sunday; A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. Saint Basil

Freedom vs Expression Ć  la 2; If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. Vincent Van Gogh

Act 01, Scene 06, Year 2013, True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist. Albert Einstein

L'art de la crƩativitƩ...

L'(ART), c'est la vie !!!

Bon Samedi matin... Pat !!!

Le silence total existe-t-il ???

No explanations no interviews...

No reason is key.

Smile for 4 no reason.

(Out) of the blue or red...

At this place and that; from place to place...

(Outside) Interference...

Mission... incomplete *

Just for you !!!
