
Showing posts from July, 2013

Coming soon: Code A 4 Alexander ?!!

Freedom vs Expression; I always try to have a vacation. ā€• Sophia Loren

Act 26, Scene 07, Year 2013, Laughter is an instant vacation. ~ Milton Berle


Code X ( last one ) : TIXE


CM Sports Franchise ----- why not ? ----- ;-)

"11! Solo! Homers! " lol !!!

" Fudge, what a ride! "

" Wow, what a ride! "

" It's time to turn the page "

If you think about it; Another Chapter... ?

It's Always Sunny in W vs E !?!

Freedom vs Expression; Jim Braddock: I have to believe that when things are bad I can change them.

Act 25, Scene 07, Year 2013, Joe Gould: Now you're dreaming *


The underdog who defied all the odds chose to do the unthinkable: Take on THE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.

In a last - chance bid to help his family, ... ... returned to the ring.

What in the hell do you have to be sorry for ?

WE ain't got nothing left to sell.

... ... watched as his life, too, began to fall apart.

The story of ... ... continues to be so incredibly stirring because it is a tale that reminds us of just how remarkable human endurance and the power of bla bla can be.

My next post is for Antonio Cesarino *

- Collector's Edition -

If you think about it; Based on a true story.

Freedom vs Expression; Is he alone who has courage on his right hand and faith on his left hand? ā€• Charles Lindbergh

Act 23, Scene 07, Year 2013, Sure the fight was fixed. I fixed it with a right hand. ~ George Foreman

The right hand *

The right side *

The right answer *

A position of honor or special trust.

If you think about it; A very valuable person.

Freedom vs Expression; A shoe has so much more to offer than just to walk. ā€• Christian Louboutin

Act 22, Scene 07, Year 2013, It's a habit of mine now, noticing labels, logos, shoes. ~ Michael Jordan

He fueled the success of...???

The greatest basketball player of all time.

A colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous mixture, mainly nitrogen (approximately 78 percent) and oxygen (approximately 21 percent) with lesser amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, neon, helium, and other gases.

Greek myth the winged goddess of victory Roman counterpart...???

* Ice Cream Flavors *

Code X: (milanmiracle)

If you think about it; An item made to the customer's specifications.

Extra: I love making Italian food. And coconut chicken. ā€• Joe Jonas

Freedom vs Expression; A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust. ā€• Gertrude Jekyll

Act 21, Scene 07, Year 2013, He plants trees to benefit another generation. ~ Caecilius Statius

Code X: Independent circuit *

To (plant) or tend a garden.

Breadsticks are generally pencil-sized sticks of crisp, dry bread originating in Turin and the surrounding area in Italy.

Italian cuisine is characterized by its extreme simplicity.

Chicken & Shrimp Carbonara *

Chicken & Gnocchi *

(Lucky) + July + Sand + Beach + Angels !!?

Freedom vs Expression; I hear birds can't fly this high - To be continued ...!?

Act 20, Scene 07, Year 2013, Charlie: Good morning, angels.


Code X: A guardian spirit or guiding influence.

Alpha, Bravo, Charlie... !?!

The adventures of three sexy (female) private eyes.

A wealthy mystery-man who runs a detective agency via a speaker-phone *

If you think about it; Release Date: 22 September 1976 (USA) *

Yoshi Tatsu 4 Life *

Code X

Freedom vs Expression; I feel connected to whatever is out there. ā€• Michelle Branch

Act 19, Scene 07, Year 2013, Everything's connected, and everything has meaning if you look for it. Michelle Williams

International - Alliance *

International - Fame *

To become closely connected *

He's a connected guy *

If you think about it; He is referred to as "a friend of mine"

Freedom vs Bla - BLa: I'm experimental by nature... always exploring my creativity. ā€• Christina Aguilera

ACt 81, Scene 70, Year Blip..., The chief enemy of creativity is 'good' sense. ~ Pablo Picasso



amdsankdnakEarly career : Alexander came up with the idea in 2010mdm;md;lm;m; !?

saas,fdas;k,;asd,Personal life:Reale was romantically linked to ... bope !?!

I can't continue this is 2 kldladml;a; ! ? -Let's go- continue kpdkk^lk !?

sdfdrfd Alexander Reale is an Americantaly Internet entrepreneur best known as the founder and promoter of W vs E lmmd;kmdmfmkafm !?!

zxcvbAlexander Real (born July **, 1980), better known by his real name ..., is an CanAmeritaly who (signed $) with E aldskflaf;l,fa,fal,k !?

Pardon my English *

If you think about it; Just 4 Fun *

King Kong Bundy !!!

Freedom vs Expression; No film has captivated my imagination more than 'King Kong.' I'm making movies today because I saw this film when I was 9 years old. ā€• Peter Jackson

Act 17, Scene 07, Year 2013, When you're that tall, people talk about it all the time. ~ Kristen Johnston

The act of splashing *

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan

- Steve Buscemi -

Boardwalk - Casinos *

Clear - 87Ā° -

What ?!?

If you think about it; The fictional giant *

- Terra incognita -

Freedom vs Expression; Any great warrior is also a scholar, and a poet, and an artist. ā€• Steven Seagal

Act 16, Scene 07, Year 2013, The ultimate mystery is one's own self. ~ Sammy Davis, Jr.

The ultimate (destination): Parts Unknown *

(2)K Sports 4 Life *

Code X: ... ... gives back to the WWE Universe *

One who is engaged energetically in an activity...!??

Remember my idea: Has the ultimate diamond been found ?!?

If you think about it; "They came like angels out the unknown"

I'm out of here *

Please leave a voice message *

Freedom vs Expression; Practise what you know, and it will help to make clear what now you do not know. ā€• Rembrandt

Act 15, Scene 07, Year 2013, True friends stab you in the front . ~ Oscar Wilde

One small piece of advice: There's no strangers, just friends that you haven't met.

Concept: Sharkna... !?

No time 4 friendship *


Qui si lavora !?!

A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts *

If you think about it; How many times have you felt surprised or,...!?

Cole - name - 10 (2) 15 - Countries - LOL !?!

Welcome 2 - Money in the Bank !?!

Good luck to all the participants ...!?!

Freedom vs Expression; The work an (unknown good man) has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green. ā€• Thomas Carlyle

Act 14, Scene 07, Year 2013, Secretly, I had always wanted to go to Vegas, and have my own really bad act! ~ Sigourney Weaver

CO = To go away or become lost, esp secretly or without explanation !?

Code X: In 1 of the 2 - CO - RAW - To cease to be visible; vanish *

The writing or document containing such an agreement *

If you think about it; A portable, often flat case with a handle, used for carrying papers or ...!?

Oops, "Pardon my French"


Freedom vs Expression; Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. ā€• Winston Churchill

Act 13, Scene 07, Year 2013, To all the days here and after, may they be filled with fond memories, happiness, and laughter.

- Je vois enfin la lumiĆØre au bout du tunnel !?! -

ll reste encore beaucoup de travail Ć  accomplir ... !?!

Je tenais Ć  te dire que je suis extrĆŖmement (fier) de toi et de ce que tu as accompli.

Sami = LĆ¢che pas la patate *

Sami Z *


Royals - "Let that record roll aroud."

- J 4 Jonathan -

J = Take it to the next level ...!?!

Freedom vs Expression; The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life. ā€• William Morris

Act 12, Scene 07, Year 2013, The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. ~ Joseph Campbell

The sand or pebbles on a shore.

- Under the sun -

Stars in the southern sky.

The object of such an enthusiasm: The outdoors is (her) greatest love.

The world of living things and the outdoors: the beauties of nature.

The sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual *

A principle or (force) that is considered...!?

2,688 RT.

Freedom vs Expression; Concision in style, precision in thought, decision in life. ā€• Victor Hugo

Act 11, Scene 07, Year 2013, The best way to find out whether you're on the right path? Stop looking at the path. ~ Marcus Buckingham

The (Art) of Making a Good Decision.

A person who keeps watch over something or someone.

The sculpture is ..., as Rodin wanted a (heroic figure) in the tradition of Michelangelo, to represent (intellect) as well as ...!?

Q & A - The Thinker !? - (Mc)

Queen Layla El

King W.

Freedom vs Expression; Tennis is a mental game. Everyone is fit, everyone hits great forehands and backhands. ā€• Novak Djokovic

Act 10, Scene 07, Year 2013, I want my tennis to (speak) for everything. ~ Maria Sharapova

(Scottish) tennis is to get a Ā£5.8million (boost) to capitalise on Andy Murray's Wimbledon success.

"On a different note"

"You are the product of your own thinking." Extra - Extra - Wyatt Family.

Analyze This

A musical instrument with a manual keyboard actuating (hammers) that (strike) (wire) (strings), producing sounds that may be softened or sustained by means of pedals *

If you think about it...!?

"Become the man you were born to be.." ~ Hercules

Hugging a loved one releases the hormone oxytocin that gives you a physical boost.

Freedom vs Expression; The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. ā€• Confucius

Act 09, Scene 07, Year 2013, Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door. ~ Kyle Chandler

Open The Door...!?!

May 8, 1975

September 4, 1981

September 8, 1979

December 2, 1981

ā€œWhen one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.ā€ - Alexander Graham Bell -


"I am done for the day"

Freedom vs Expression; The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. ā€• Albert Einstein

Act 08, Scene 07, Year 2013, It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.~ Confucius

Stop - No Trespassing.

If you think about it; Containing no information.

Freedom vs Expression; This is (Red) Barber speaking. Let me say (hello) to you all. ā€• Red Barber

Act 07, Scene 07, Year 2013, I used to have a sort of spiky haircut and it just feels better to have short hair again. ~ Evan Dando

Che cosa ?!?

Long Haircut - Medium Haircut - Short Haircut - Razor Haircut !?

One whose business is to cut hair and to (shave) or trim beards.

Code P

Code X: Let it ride *

If you think about it - Zack; God is good! Thanks to everyone that believed in me!! Belts coming back to longisland baby!!

Freedom vs Expression; It is not best that we should all think alike; it is a difference of opinion that makes horse races . ā€• Mark Twain

Act 06, Scene 07, Year 2013, A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace. ~ Ovid

Horse # 5: Let's ride together.

Horse # 4: Your favorite drink.

Horse # 3: "(Y)ET-TO-BE-NA(M)ED"

Horse # 2: Giuseppe.

Horse # 1: Dolce & Gabbana - (Manager) - Wrestler.

A usually oval, specially surfaced course on which races are held.

Stable: You really have no idea...!?

If you think about it; Call me crazy, but ... !?

A star that is the center of a planetary system.

Oh yeah! Mm-mm, I've got a feelin' I'm not wasting my time.

W VS. E = Slowly but Surely.

Freedom vs Expression; A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided. ā€• Tony Robbins

Act 05, Scene 07, Year 2013, It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. ~ Tony Robbins

By the time you finish reading this, you'll realize that it was a complete waste of time.

At that time, you'll know that...!?

If you realize that all things change...!?

Next time you dream you will...!?

One day you'll realize...!?

WE guys - Nope.

Wyatt Family - Nope.

The Shield - Nope.

"Paul Heyman's guys." - Nope.

A chair mounted on rockers.

A piece of furniture consisting of a seat, legs, back, and often arms, designed to accommodate one person.

Made or consisting of wood.

If you think about it; where - who - how !? Extra: No idea Ć  la 3.

O beautiful 4...

Freedom vs Expression; I guess we all like to be recognized not for one piece of fireworks, but for the ledger of our daily work. ā€• Neil Armstrong

Act 04, Scene 07, Year 2013, Respect, learn your craft, have pride in your work, stay humble, stay hungry. ~ Antonio Cesaro

You Time: "American Made" - Hulk Hogan - Andrew Mauser.

"American Made"

History: Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President, was born on July 4, 1872, and, so far, is the only President to have been born on Independence Day.

Celebrations: Fireworks, Family reunions, Concerts, Barbecues, Picnics, Parades, Baseball games, (WWE)!?

Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Freedom vs Expression; It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out; it's the grain of sand (in) your shoe. ā€• Robert W. Service

Act 03, Scene 07, Year 2013, Are you tired of sand being kicked in your face? I promise you new muscles in days! ~ Charles Atlas

Quote - Copy Ć  la 2: Hide nothing, for time, which sees all and hears all, exposes all. Sophocles

Quote - Copy: Time moves in one direction, memory in another. William Gibson

If you think about it; Time is of the essence.

Time is of...!?


Freedom vs Expression;When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it .ā€• Henry Ford

Act 02, Scene 07, Year 2013, We have two tables on our airplane that are set up with the games. ~ Steve Yzerman

In flight; flying *

The initial ascent of an ... as it becomes (airborne) *

If you think about it; Segment - A departure; especially of airplanes *

Sioux City # 1.

Oops- Work - Boots *

Freedom vs Expression; We work to become, not to acquire. ā€• Elbert Hubbard

Act 01, Scene 07, Year 2013, Nothing will work unless you do. ~ Maya Angelou

Possessing great material wealth *

Fashionable; elegant *

The state of being regarded with honor or esteem *

Glory or recognition; distinction *

Good name; reputation *

If you think about it; A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect *