
Showing posts from February, 2014

Vi auguro una buona giornata - ;-)

Clue: Google Images - 2nd ________ ?

Clue: The unknown and unpredictable element

Clue: Silver medal

Clue: (Arrivals) and Departures

- The actor or actors presenting such a performance -

- A unit of time equal to one sixtieth of a minute -

@ A chronological list @

- something that takes place -

- being in play, as a baseball or football -

Code A

Elvis Presley - Memories

Extra, extra: Sun + Leo + da Hill = ;-)

Take 2 = The smallest feline is a masterpiece . ā€” Leonardo da Vinci

Act 27, Scene 02, Year 2014, I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. ~ Michelangelo

Imagination rules the ________ ?

Help me here: We are ____ ___ _____ ?

Mysterious + T + Shirts

+ WcW WoRlDwIdE + Weird audience shot at the very beginning.

- Give me a sec -

- Almost the same as -

- A musical accompaniment -

- A particular category or kind of music -

Code W: Budweiser Red Light - Budweiser Gold Light

2 make or give forth a ___________ ?

A distinctive __________ ?

- Light show -

- The illumination derived from a source of light -

- radiant energy -

- A soft, yellow -

- A mental image produced by the imagination -

- 2 hold in the mind -

Reply - lol

* We LoVe SuMmEr *

Freedom vs. Expression; The crowd is just as important as the group. It takes everything to make it work. ā€” Levon Helm

Act 25, Scene 02, Year 2014, My live performance, it just comes from feeling an energy and emotion from the crowd. ~ Wiz Khalifa

- A (melody) used to identify a performer -

- Signature T -

- 2 set a mood -

Code A: - Alexandria -

The portion of a playing field having specific dimensions.

- A way of entering -

The Metropolitan Club was a 19th-century professional baseball team that played in New York City from 1880 to 1887.

First explored by Samuel de Champlain and Henry Hudson.

One who participates in a game or sport.

Baseball: (One) Knee Throw Drill

Freedom vs. Expression; Ladies and gentlemen, my mother thanks you, my father thanks you, my sister thanks you, and I thank you! ā€” George M. Cohan

Act 24, Scene 02, Year 2014, My dad said: 'It looks like you'll be world No.1 in a few hours and I wanted to be the first to say congratulations. ~ Lee Westwood

- a conventional expression of gratitude -

- expressions of pleasure or joy; felicitations -

- A humane characteristic, attribute, or act -

- put 2 and 2 together -

2 present something as a gift 2...

The first letter of the modern English alphabet.

The editing process by which a film is cut and made...

A long thin strip...

The day this ceremony...

- The starting point for a new experience -

- The time when something begins -

Well, there's nothing better than putting your feet up on a Sunday afternoon and grabbing a good book. ā€” Chris Klein

The most beautiful piece of art...

- 2 take or seize -

- (Book)s by Sadie Jones -

Restaurant in Chicago...

A (rectangular) arena...

A friendly reception...

A term applied to the heaviest of the classes...

An American publicly traded...

- the contestant who wins the contest -

- A picture or design executed in paints -

Based on a true story.

Director: George Clooney

SaTuRdAy NiGhT = _______________ ?

PaInTiNg A nEw ___________ ____ _________ !

Still fresh: a new coat of paint...

A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon's phases...

Code: U2 - One

___ are an Irish rock band from Dublin.

- sphere, galaxies - lol...

- All matter and energy -

- A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing -

- 2 propel or throw in a particular direction -

Freedom + Expression = The phrase 'off with the crack of the bat', while romantic, is really meaningless, since the outfielder should be in motion long before he hears the sound of the ball meeting the bat. ā€” Joe DiMaggio

Act 21, Scene 02, Year 2014, I'm just a ballplayer with one ambition, and that is to give all I've got to help my ball club win. I've never played any other way. ~ Joe DiMaggio

A characteristic way or mode of expression...

In baseball, a ______ occurs when a fielder gains secure possession of a batted ball in flight...

Code A: Incredible way...

- player acts out a phrase 4 others to guess -

A guessing game has as its core a piece of information that one player knows...

The most well-known game of this type...

The best part, moment...


What's My Line?...

Guess Who?...

Yes and No...

30 Seconds...

A+ guessing game(s)...

2 occupy oneself in amusement...

2 take part in a game...

The symbol for the Roman numeral 1.

- The period between sunset and sunrise -

Just past; most recent...

E + Q = The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day. ______________ ?

Freedom + Expression = At night, when the sky is full of stars and the sea is still you get the wonderful sensation that you are floating in space. ā€” Natalie Wood

Act 20, Scene 02, Year 2014, I often wake up in the night, and I like to have something to think about. ~ Marilyn Monroe

* The night sky was filled with an infinity of stars *

Cosette ~ French ~ Victory of the People

Annika ~ Czech ~ Very Beautiful

Aoife (ee-fah) ~ Gaelic ~ Joyful

Caprice ~ Italian ~ Playful

Diana~ Greek ~ Divine

Esme ~ French ~ Esteemed and Loved

Ginger ~ Latin ~ Pure

Gweneth ~ Celtic ~ Blessed

Leona ~ German ~ Brave as a Lioness

Marian ~ Old English ~ Graceful Star of the Sea

Lottie ~ French ~ Little

The most amazing...

- stimulating or exalting 2 the spirit -

- Any one of the four corners of an infield -

- A starting point -

Freedom vs. Expression = With foxes we must play the fox. ā€” Thomas Fuller

ThE fOx & the ______?

Act 19, Scene 02, Year 2014 = Movies are like magic tricks. ~ Jeff Bridges

The fox has many tricks...

- A successful performance -

"the leading man" + "prima donna" =

A (contractual) "relationship" between 2 ...

2 guide + 2 form

She'S GoT hEr (EyEs) On YoU...

Eyes of a __________?

- A professional wrestling television program produced by YOU -

- A talented person -

- explore carefully -

2 observe and evaluate...

Extra Q: Imagination is the key to my lyrics. The rest is painted with a little science fiction. - Jimi Hendrix

Freedom vs. Expression; (Fiction) reveals truth that reality obscures. ā€” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Act 18, Scene 02, Year 2014, I never lose sight of the (fact) that just being is fun. ~ Katharine Hepburn

Name: Right - Left - Left - Right

Something done or (to be) done; __________ ?

- Holding an auxiliary position -

- Kept hidden from knowledge -

ChEcK tHiS oUt...

* Paulus Heymanissimo *

* Paulus *

The Roman surname...

- 2 grace the Earth - Lol...

- It is the best name in existence -

- He is wanted in 162 countries by most women -

- He is the kinda of guy you want by your side when fighting -

- probably the coolest guy around -

P = Perfect A = Aweseome U = Unique L = Legend

Fact or Fiction...

ThAt'S It, ThAt's AlL...

- An extraordinarily wise man; a sage -

- A male given name -

- 10th century -

YouTronics components...

Code ?: Russell ...

- (sign) above a door -

- A period of (ten) years -

# Any of the numbers #

Feb 14th 2014 + V - Day

- A mechanism, such as a gear in a motor vehicle, that is used to reverse movement -

- a motor vehicle with 4 wheels -

- Something that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem or mystery -

- An asterisk * -

- brought 4th -

The world and all things in it...

Freedom vs. Expression; An idealist is one who, on noticing that roses smell better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup. - H. L. Mencken

Act 16, Scene 02, Year 2014, There is nothing like an odor to (stir) memories. - William McFee

- certain foreign objects as being legal -

- a loud disagreement or -

- confused, hand-2-hand -

- a state of tumultuous confusion -

- behind the performing space -

- 2 take place -

- 2 cause or incite others -

- 2 (mix) together the ingredients -

- A person of importance -

! YouTime !

- may you succeed in your mission -

? "Element 79" ?

Code Electron: [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s1

- Give, and you will receive -

- determination and energy -

- A powerful emotion -

The cardinal number equal to 7 + 1...

The amount or quantity that is one greater than two...

A number that is one more than five...

We can see light at the end of the tunnel...


The radiance or illumination from a particular source...

The name Luke is derived from the Latin name Lucas...

It's that time again...

Optimus Prime: Are you Samuel James Witwicky, descendent of Archibald Witwicky?

Freedom vs. Expression; I have a daily message, 'Stimumail,' which I use to stimulate the mind and heart. I have the opportunity to touch over (60,000) people I have never met. I also use Twitter and Facebook . - Iyanla Vanzant

Act 14, Scene 02, Year 2014, Life is a little like a message in a bottle, to be carried by the winds and the tides. - Gene Tierney

Code FrUiT: @ W vs. E - TV

- A special messenger -

- The fruit of this plant -

- A tropical American plant -

In(visible) me on the WWE Network 2/24/14

BlaSt FrOm ThE pAsT

Magic # = 10

A number used to indicate how close a front-running team is to clinching a division title...

Mick, your turn - Have a nice... !

AlƩ - OlƩ - Sa! - Mi! - Zayn!

Movie: * Survivor Series (2014) *

* It'S a GrEaT WrEsTLiNg (ToWn) *

2 film a new version of...

Code M: Winter (Wonder)land

________ nights - cold cold cold...

A usually chronological record of events...

2 write again...

2 throw (the ball) from the mound to the batter.

Freedom vs. Expression; We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the (secret) sits in the (middle) and knows. Robert Frost

Act 12, Scene 02, Year 2014, The third (man) in the ring makes (boxing) possible. - Joyce Carol Oates

2 get a _________ from under the ring.

- table *set up* -

- connected 2 Mike Myers -

(1) member of the crew...

When one player wins the first point from a deuce and needs one more point to win the game.

- set up for use -

- situated in a particular spot -

If you think about it; A thing that you (can see) and touch.

NoT a Joke...

Him = Myers

Him: (GoLf CLuB) - AnOtHeR O

You: Sledgehammer

Hi 2: Debut: March 24, 1992

Freedom vs. Expression; Listen; there's a hell of a good universe next door: let's go. - E. E. Cummings

Act 11, Scene DuE, Year 2014, Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open. - John Barrymore

! OpPoRtuNiTy RoCkS & KnOcKs !

________vs. AmBrOsE - ;-)

! The day of the week between Sunday and Tuesday !

2 give a title ShOt...

U Mount Rushmore National Memorial S

R Pain & (Gain) Ro...!

W A victor in sports W

! A series of contests in which a number of contestants compete !

Freedom vs. Expression; T-shirt and jeans style now is where I'm at. Maybe a little (rock 'n' roll) T-shirt and jeans. Josh Hutcherson

Act 10, Scene 02, Year 2014, You can make jeans and a t-shirt super stylish. It's what you make of it, you know? Phillip Lim

Code X: insane VS. design

- marked by controversy -

Comes (up) - (out) with his own...

- goes on incredible rant for the ages -

A conversation, such as one conducted by a ___________ ?

- worn on the upper half of the body -

- 2 promote the sale of -

- Goods bought and (sold) in business -

- unable 2 have the kind -

- disappointed; unhappy -

- An unspecified or unknown person -

Freedom vs. Expression; I like double entendre because then the people who get it enjoy it, and the people who don't get it don't know about it. - Betty White

Act 09, Scene 02, Year 2014, "On any given day...come out to the ballpark and you'll see something different." - Fred Borsch

Team: D x 2 A

Erik Dornhelm: Here we pass the ball, you understand that? We're a unit, not a one-man show. The name on the (front) of the shirt is more important than the one on the back.

(1) Goal! The Dream Begins (2005)

Math = D Ć  la 2

Doubles typically drive in runs from third base, second base, and even from first base at times.

Typically, a double is a well-hit ball into the outfield that either finds the "gap" between the center fielder and one of the corner outfielders...

Elvis Presley = Guy Lambert

Key words + Ford commercial

Freedom vs. Expression; I collect underwear from my travels. Lace, lingerie, bodysuits... they're like souvenirs. Miranda Kerr

Act 08, Scene 02, Year 2014, You can tell a lot about a person from his underwear. - Rachel Bilson

Shop all Undies...

New Arrivals...

Seven for 25 $ - lol !!!

Code X: Shake your cutie... ?

The (visage) of your ... ?

- (Lady) of the house -

$ A (one)-dollar bill $

Idea 4: Scarsdale

Fictional strip club from the HBO... ?

Freedom vs. Expression; The world is round so that friendship may (encircle) it. - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Act 07, Scene 02, Year 2014, Friends are (born), not made. - Henry Adams

- Best friends are always there 4 you no matter what -

- A comprehensive long-term strategy -

- Created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman -

- American sitcom -

The term suggests a vehicle with higher quality equipment, better performance, etc

- A large and imposing house -

+ Unknown location +

A picture or chart that shows the rivers, mountains, etc

Un piccolo messaggio...

Mr. Real Madrid Club de FĆŗtbol...

- PiNcH Me -

Somewhere far away from here...

It's the perfect time of year...

The sounds of hysterical laughter...

The early part of the day...

The beginning of a period of time...

The designated leader of a ________ ?

Letters ?

- A device used to determine geographic direction -

- A line leading to a place or point -

The act of making a ________?


Freedom vs. Expression; Music is part of the life of fashion, too. ā€” Karl Lagerfeld

Act 05, Scene 02, Year 2014, Fashion is a very particular world, as you know. ~ Heidi Klum

p PePe'S Old (FaShIoN)Ed hAtS p

+ The act of arriving +

Code Pepe: ShArP

% A way allowing passage, especially a corridor %

E The first entry of an actor into a scene E

A The area in the center of an ancient Roman amphitheater A

< "he threw out the first pitch during the (pregame) ceremonies" >

^^ A contest in a sports program ^^

ĀøĀø An active pastime ĀøĀø

? The portion of a line between any two of its points ?

Freedom vs. Expression; Lady Gaga is my name. If you know me, and you call me Stefani, you don't really know me at all. ā€” Lady Gaga

Act 04, Scene 02, Year 2014, If you tried to give rock and roll another name, you might call it 'Chuck Berry'. ~ John Lennon

Twitter # 2: Great day 2 be - H Ć  la 3.

Twitter # 1: Good morning 2 all my Steph...?

* CoUpLe In ChArGe *

F Followers or enthusiasts F

E Entertainment 4 the millions E

T A word, title W

Code A: LiTtLe BiRd

T Something unique T

C 2 Evolve from one's imagination C

W Refers 2 all people E


$ The score awarded for such an act $

^ specified , pReCiSe, or particular ^

* The position played by such a person *

* A player in certain games *

* A novel that moves slowly *

? A share, part, or quota ?

- Surpassing the usual or ordinary -

The state of being a ________ ?

Characterized by deep ___________ ?

1 The first of a series of ________ ? 1

Picture time! Say cheese! - ;-)

Catch: If yOu ThInK aB... If ThEy WiN ...

! We'Re NoT hApPy !

__________ is a superhero comic book series published by DC Comics.

2 be in no condition 2 __________ ?

Code A: I feel _____ today.

- 2 reach a destination -

- The third and final film in The Hangover trilogy -

Director: Todd Phillips

- A social gathering especially for pleasure or amusement -

- The ultimate Super Bowl experience -

- 2 stay awake at night -

- Someone who is dazzlingly skilled -

- The day following Sunday -

Freedom vs. Expression; I'm an ocean, because I'm really deep. If you search deep enough you can find rare exotic treasures. - Christina Aguilera

Act 01, Scene 02, Year 2014, On life's vast ocean diversely we sail. Reasons the card, but passion the gale. - Alexander Pope

J Clash, like waves of the sea W

B In or toward the area behind the performing space S

C 2 give rise 2 C

D To speak with another or others D

P A private r... R

M A confidential or secret... M

O Used to indicate an alternative R

C 2 communicate C

S Mobile telephone with computer features P

S Kept hidden from knowledge S

^ From top to toe ^