
Showing posts from June, 2014

2 decorate with scenes representing historical or legendary events.

A particular segment of one's life.

- 2 participate in, use, enjoy, or experience -

A group of people working together.

A country of northern North America.

A separate part of a serialized work, such as a novel or play.

- a special occasion; a special treat -

The cardinal number, represented by the symbol 1.

- An interconnected group -

- World Wide Wrestling Federation -

2015 will be a common year starting on Thursday.

- consisting of 365 days -

A table showing the months, weeks, and days in at least one specific year.

Cal Trask: *Eight*...

Cal Trask: [he continues] Six...

The part of a television transmitting apparatus that receives the primary image on a light-sensitive cathode-ray tube and transforms it into electrical impulses. - lol -

An act or instance of kissing.

The act of surprising or the condition of being surprised.

The act of coming towards or drawing close or closer.

A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth and indicating pleasure.

2 halt the motion vs. 5 secs.

2 speak, shout, or behave in a wild or impassioned manner.

- being filmed or televised by a live camera -

Extending continuously in the same direction without curving.

2 employ one's sight.

Device for converting sound waves into electrical energy.

2 draw attention unexpectedly...

Cal Trask: Man has a choice and it's a choice that makes him a man.

East of _____?

An administrative officer in charge of a college, faculty, or division in a university.

A right-handed pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals (1930-1937), he is best remembered for his 1934 season, in which he won 30 regular-season games, led the league in strikeouts, and won two World Series games.

Any of the parts into which something can be divided.

Freedom VS. Expression = I watched R.E.M. connect with the back row of a 50,000-seat venue.

Act 28 + Scene 06 + Year 2014 = The first thing that I do when I come out every night is to look at the faces in front of me, very individually.

Immediate proximity in time or space.

(2) A line of adjacent seats, as in a theater, auditorium, or classroom.

(1) The area, location, or position directly before or ahead.

Something that serves to guide or direct in the solution of a problem or mystery.

The cardinal number equal to the sum of 1 + 1.

"2" give a name "2"

A team of "2"

The indefinite time yet to come.

"Left-handed, power-hitting third basemen are a rare commodity in the big leagues"

"The Star-Spangled Banner"

Sterling Golden vs. Hulk Machine

In the company of; accompanying...

The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, !unified!

Colors: Flags - Banners

A rectangular arena set off by stakes and ropes in which boxing or wrestling events are held.

An enclosed area for the presentation of sports events and spectacles.

Of or relating to the United States of America or its people, language, or culture.

The act or process of simulating.

A group on the same side, as in a game.

A game played on a rectangular field with net goals at either end in which two teams of 11 players each try to drive a ball into the other's goal by kicking, heading, or using any part of the body except the arms and hands.

The objective case of (we) - lol.

- abbreviation 4 -

2 perform with (a leading actor or performer) in a secondary role.

The cardinal number that is the sum of thirteen and one.

Slang: One thousand dollars.

The second in a set or sequence.

Arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity.

WCW Monday Nitro - 1998

Of or relating to television, especially televised images.

When you put a picture from a "while" ago on your social media sites...

(WCW) # _____ ? #WCW # :-) #hashtag

A display or demonstration.

One that is exactly like another; a counterpart.

Corresponding in order to the number one.

A single play of a sport.

The time before the present.

"The portals of success"

The cardinal number, represented by the symbol 1, designating the first such unit in a series.

A symbol or word used to represent a number.

Something accomplished successfully.

To contain as a secondary or subordinate element.

The point in a musical score at which a particular voice or instrument joins the ensemble.

The written or printed score for such a composition.

The music of the wind in the pines.

A manner, means, or style of entering.

A grand and imposing entrance.

WWE 2K14: The Fair Ref episode...

- letters (by) the thousands -

- played (by) the rules -

This news (calls) for champagne.

- invalid or false -

He is one bad drummer...

A set of stamps, coins, or currency issued in a particular period.

A set of books having the same format.

"Born 2 Run"

- April 29, 1999 -

- surprising or unforeseen -

2 look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance...

- A golden voice + A golden opportunity -

2 make larger, greater, or stronger; enlarge; extend.

Lustrous; radiant: the golden sun.

- 2 mention, specify, or cite by name -

- 2 produce or create with the imagination -

A sight that amazes.

The world of living things and the outdoors.

An attempt to score in a game, as in soccer or hockey.

The movie industry: a star of stage and screen. Also called (gold) screen.

A sudden appearance of an overwhelming... (#)

Any amazing or wonderful occurrence.

Arising from internal forces.

- Slang Terms 4 Money -

Any circulating medium of exchange, including coins, paper money, and demand deposits.

Third person singular present indicative of be.

A quality of imagination and individuality expressed in one's actions and tastes.

A cool place, part, or time.

A contorted facial expression; a grimace.

The act of expressing, conveying, or representing in words.

The condition of being free of restraints.

- Self-assurance; confidence -

A conversation, such as one conducted by a reporter, in which facts or statements are elicited from another.

- Comes from Latin decanum -

According to one's opinion, choice, or preference.


A large-screen television using technology.

A piece of music, usually employing a verbal text, composed 4 the voice.

The principal melodic phrase in a composition.

In a different way or manner.

The coming of an actor or other performer onto a stage.

2 try to mislead (opponents) in a card game.

- now and then or here and there -

Mr. P vs. The Prototype

A calculated strategy.

It's all in the mind.

2 take part in a game.

ā†’ nwonknU noitacol

Used 2 indicate a specified place.

A gold ______ ?

A sudden happening that brings good fortune.

A general or descriptive heading, as of a book chapter.

A system of symbols, letters, or words.

1 that is not fully understood.

A written or printed communication...

A person employed to carry telegrams, letters, or parcels.

The meal includes dessert and coffee. (S & H)

The region bounded by an arc of a circle and the chord that connects the endpoints of the arc.

Follow les matines...

2 express certain emotions...

Brother John? Brother John?

Sonnez les matines!

Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?

An act of listening...

A distinctive style, as of an orchestra or a singer.

The ground or scenery located behind something.

The absence of sound; stillness.

A sign indicating that a note or rest is to be held.

"Listen to the sound of this cello"

Code X: PGA Tour, European Tour

Usually September, rarely October.

An identifying name given to a book, play, film, musical composition, or other work.

Used as the object of a preposition.

The block in which the heel of a mast is fixed.

The ordinal number matching the number one in a series.

The act of one that wins; victory.

A beginning; a commencement.

An individual of specified character.

"the reversal of the image in the lens"

The selecting of the best time.

Completely suited for a particular purpose or situation.

A bright sunny day; a stage bright with spotlights.

A verb form in the future tense.

* in addition *

The ā†’ creator ā†’ of a new super *

ā†’ The book you gave me.

If you come ā†’ from a particular place...

A presentation of one person to others.

2 describe in a brief way.

The personality of the speaker or something that expresses it.

To observe the course.

A desire, purpose, or determination.

The ninth in a series.

Together with or along.

The contents of such a container.

The ninth letter of the modern English alphabet.

A sequence of words capable of standing alone.

A real or imaginary mark positioned in relation to fixed points of reference.

2 attach a ticket 2.

Something offered or won.

The act or process of simulating.

2 close or swing.

A period of fruition, fulfillment, happiness, or beauty.

1 that surpasses all others.

2 enter a competition.

A video-sharing website.

He's as strong as an _____ ?

Tic + Tac + Toe

Related Words: forceful, forcible, mighty, potent, powerful, puissant.

Made firmly and well.

A word or symbol used in logic to designate an entity.

The way someone thinks, feels, and behaves : someone's personality.

A detailed description of something or someone.

A conventional figure with five or more points that represents a star.

Suddenly and extremely popular or successful.

ā†’ immediately following in time.

2 declare or tell in advance.

Freedom VS. Expression = I use a lot more chords than most organists and I'm careful to phrase them with the guitar.

Act 13 + Scene 06 + Year 2014 = They throw the ball, I hit it. They hit the ball, I catch it.

ā†’ abĀ·soĀ·lute

The ultimate basis of reality.

Something regarded as the ultimate basis of all thought and being.

A set of ideas or beliefs relating to a particular field.

A package of merchandise.

A word having a particular meaning.

A specific period of time.

A book with blank pages.

2 come upon or discover by searching.

ā€œSomewhere, Someplace, Sometimeā€

The expression or manifestation of such feeling.

2 come to a certain point in the course of travel.

2 bring to a specified state by singing.

The sea whispered and hummed like a great shell held to the ear. ā€” Mary Stewart

In the same direction as the wind.

2 pursue by following.

2 form a mental image of; envisage.

Beneficial to health; salutary.

Perception by or as if by touch; sensation.

A product of thinking.

Freedom VS. Expression = A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.

Act 11 + Scene 06 + Year 2014 = Imagination is the key to my lyrics. The rest is painted with a little science fiction.

2 conceal from view with or as if with a screen.

2 show or project (a movie, for example) on a screen.

Where there is official ā†’ censorship.

A set of words that make up a song.

A ā†’ deep place in land.

A large-screen television using technology.

A brief composition written or adapted for singing.

A subject of artistic representation.

ā†’ Corey Mitchell Hart

"Never Surrender"

"Sunglasses at Night"

Freedom VS. Expression = Make a Simple Smartphone Dock Out of Two Binder Clips.

Act 10 + Scene 06 + Year 2014 = Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

The people reached by a book, film.

2 gain knowledge, information, comprehension.

2 hit (a pitched ball) with the side of the bat so that it glances off.

2 repeat words from (a book, author, etc.).

2 cause great wonder or astonishment.

2 make greater, as in value, beauty, or effectiveness; augment.

Something, such as a window, that admits illumination.

The character portrayed by a wrestler.

A first-year player, especially in a professional sport.

Freedom VS. Expression = To a guy like me, a laugh is full of information.

Act 09 + Scene 06 + Year 2014 = It's just good to be back in the locker room.

A beneficial factor or combination of factors.

A collection of facts.

A space that is or may be occupied.

A flat trunk for storage.

The spoken exchange of thoughts, opinions, and feelings; talk.

1 who secretly keeps watch.

From time to time; occasionally.

A part of a line or curve between two points.

2 engage the services of a person.

The stable is led by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

The ability or tendency to form such images.

A greater or additional quantity.

To carry forward

The sun is new each day.

A star that is the basis of the solar system.

Next in time

"the perfect setting for a ______ story"

To visualize; imagine

A star's apparent brightness, as viewed from Earth.

The sky's the limit.

To employ one's sight.

The night or evening of this present day.

Freedom VS. Expression = I'm for whatever gets you through the ā†’ night.

Act 07 + Scene 06 + Year 2014 = Each (match) I play is the most important one yet.

ā†’ wrestle(r) with one's...

A (person) or thing that supports, assists, or (increases) - UP -

"I have ā†’ confidence in our team"

ā†’ night baseball.

The teams were well ā†’ (match)ed.

A means by which such a preference is made known.

A group of followers or enthusiasts.

He is John's ā†’ match for bravery.

A number of games played by the same two teams, often in succession.

A vehicle that runs under its own ā†’ power.

The king's ā†’ people.

The day following Sunday.

A single copy from this group.

A special occasion; a special treat.

Freedom VS. Expression = Know how to travel from your town to a nearby town without a car, either by bus or by rail.

Act 06 + Scene 06 + Year 2014 = I think the thing to do is enjoy the ride while you're on it.

2 make a king of; crown.

The symbol for the Roman numeral 5.

A call to engage in a contest...

Unable or unwilling to put up with something any longer.

1 employed to drive a private automobile.

ā†’ particular period of time down the road...

A person travelling in a car = "chesty as a peacock"

ā†’ "made multiple"

usually driven by a ā†’ chauffeur

ā†’ large luxurious car

The future comes like an...

A sudden inspiration or idea.

2 engage in brainstorming.

A book of blank pages for notes.

Freedom VS. Expression = Baseball is like a poker game. Nobody wants to quit when he's losing; nobody wants you to quit when you're ahead.

Act 05 + Scene 06 + Year 2014 = Ninety percent of the hands aren't shown in a poker game.

Again, let us return to the examples in The Theory of Poker...

Any of various card games played by two or more players...

The ā†’ same boat we rented before.

Hears the ā†’ silence...

... singled the runner ā†’ in.

A ā†’ work of art.

The symbol for the Roman numeral 1.

Strange ā†’ but true.

Of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange.

2 have or form in the mind as an idea.

ā†’ certain persons, individuals...

Freedom VS. Expression = I always had a running commentary in my head that was extremely funny and off-center, but I never said it to anyone.

Act 04 + Scene 06 + Year 2014 = Music is always a commentary on society.

2 illustrate ā†’ a point...

A series of comments...

A spoken accompaniment to a broadcast, film, etc, esp of a sporting event.

... kept an excellent ā†’ table.

2 proclaim the presence or arrival of...

The act or an instance of assuming control.

2 arrive at a particular place.

A surprise move.

At times; now and then.

2 arouse the interest or curiosity...

A secret plot...

Capital: Saint Paul

ā†’ simply Vegas

Freedom VS. Expression = This trophy is so special in the world of tennis and it feels great.

Act 03 + Scene 06 + Year 2014 = A World Series trophy is a wonderful thing to behold.

1 that wins first place or first prize in a competition.

A very brief, close-fitting 2-piece bathing suit worn...

The usually (warmest) season of the year.

Involving or extending throughout the entire world.

A memento, as of one's personal achievements.

(Saint) ā†’ Pablo ā†’ lol

2 compete or strive 4.

A site on the internet ā†’ H Ć  la 2.

Make publicity 4...

2 begin an activity.

The ā†’ idea is 2...

ā†’ began as a photographer.

Freedom VS. Expression = Elvis was, at least the times I was around him, Elvis was a practical joker. He was always, had some little mischievous something going.

Act 02 + Scene 06 + Year 2014 = Anyone who knows me knows that I'm way more of a joker than I am a serious person.

2 express certain emotions...

ā†’ funny faces

ā†’ about PAYBACK + What about us???


Pay you double? ā†’ Jk!

A game played with cards.

The objects (laid out) for a (meal) on this article of furniture.

Playful, often noisy, activity.

ā†’ in private; behind the scenes.

ā†’ Have a great Sunday.

ā†’ Roadblock ā†’ Duke...

High respect, as that shown for special merit.

2 give a name 2...

The World's Greatest...

The New B...

ā†’ between 11 o'clock and 12 o'clock...

The positive correlation...

A breath of fresh air...

A tag team may...

A general idea derived from...

Mayā†’ I ā†’ Paulissimo Heymano...

On a different ā†’ note...

The largest city of ā†’ I .

Associated with YOU.

A great ā†’ moment.

2 have a pleasurable or satisfactory time.

______ the ball over the fence x 2.

An American hard rock band x 2.

A ā†’ friend of the (opera).