
Showing posts from July, 2014

(H)ealth (H)ercules (H)appiness

- Made or given ahead of time - ;-)

- A day commemorating the founding or beginning of something -

- causing joy or gladness -

The eighth letter of the modern English alphabet.

A number or quantity three times as great as another.

The period of light between dawn and nightfall; the interval from sunrise to sunset.

- An exclusive or limited number -

- Being away from a place -

- reinvent the wheel -

- A win or loss accorded to a pitcher -

- According to the nature or desires of -

- being one hundred more than three hundred -

- The type set for printing one side of a leaf -

*** A punctuation symbol (?) ***

- To be continued -

- To declare one's -

- The day following today -

- A conventional expression of gratitude -

- The best part, moment -

- 2 come into existence; arise -

- Such a structure having showy or colorful parts; a blossom -

- 2 plant seeds in -

- A cocktail made with crĆØme de cacao, sweet cream, and brandy or gin -

- to summarize; make a rƩsumƩ of -

- One of the main divisions of a relatively lengthy piece of writing, such as a book -

- Forming or occurring at the end -

- being nine more than ninety -

- being one hundred more than two hundred -

- A leaf or one side of a leaf, as of a book -

- The spoken exchange of thoughts, opinions, and feelings; talk -

- To come together so as to form a connection -

- American entertainment producer, promoter, performer, and marketing guru -

- To give permission or opportunity to; allow -

- in a way that was not expected -

- a switch in the up position -

- Something referred to by a word, a symbol, a sign, or an idea; a referent -

- to shift, change, turn aside -

- A conversation, such as one conducted by a reporter -

- Of or relating to a week -

2 carry goods by...

The organization and presentation of a play or other entertainment.

The visual and audio content of such signals.

- an indirect, covert, or helpful suggestion; clue -

This metaphorical expression stems from the role of the ball carrier in American football.

- A line leading to a place or point -

- 2 arrange in a desired pattern -

- 2 act as a spectator; look on -

- A Beautiful Mind -

- An extraordinarily wise man; a sage -

- An improvised or spontaneous display -

- Strikingly unconventional and far-fetched -

- An undetermined or unspecified thing -

Destiny brought them...

There must be something in the wind...

The nap has made a new person of me.

- 2 give rise to; produce -

- we are off course -

- on a trip, journey, or race -

A source of light, especially a lamp, a lantern...

One of the primary functions of the family...

English poet who introduced the sonnet form to English literature (1503-1542)

2 look forward to the probable occurrence...

The text of a play, broadcast, or movie.

A connected cinematic narrative represented in this form.

The act of practicing in preparation for a public performance.

The act or activity of one that reads.

- refers to the person addressed -

A website on which subscribers can post video files.

Of or relating to television, especially televised images.

A plan, scheme, or method.

Makes everyone smile where ever he goes.

- Look at that Aiden smile -

- A television program -

- 2 direct one's attention -

- 2 observe the course -

- Plural of woman -

- Free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others; self-reliant -

- You can use you, your, yours and yourself, as we usually do in this book -

- In a direction toward so as to reach -

- 2 introduce, especially with formal ceremony -

- Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter i -

- One of the parts, sections, or groups -

- A first or principal female singer of an opera company x (20) -

A filthy or soiling substance, such as mud or dust.

To score or gain ground by kicking a ball.

The cardinal number equal to the sum of 1 + 1.

- In the near future; shortly -

- Approaching; forthcoming; next -

- Contraction of they are -

- The (formation) of such a word -

- 2 employ the imagination -

Freedom VS. Expression = There is nothing like a dream to create the future.

Act 18 + Scene 07 + Year 2014 = I want to paint big, bright, optimistic pictures of the place I love.

- construction fortifiƩe + forteresse + fort -

Superman's secret identity as Clark Kent( )

- A big pizza pie; that's amore! -

- The novella is both the most-read and most-translated book in the French language -

- English writer known for his interest in mythology and in the classics (1895-1985) -

- 2 indicate or make known in an indirect manner -

- time that is to be or come hereafter -

- the card player who first names the successful bid -

- full value for the money -

- best, most valuable, or most eagerly anticipated -

A series of names, words...

Terme utilisƩ pour dƩsigner quelque chose...

! The first in a series or sequence !

The fourth in a set or sequence.

- a cup or plaque -

- small; miniature -

- 2 give (something due), esp as a reward for merit -

- 2 award as due -

- 2 propose as a toast -

- a written or printed communication directed to a person -

- the act of causing something to go -

- former professional bodybuilder -

- fitness author, director, producer -

- it appears that; as far as one knows -

Situated at the top...

To examine and grasp the meaning of...

A moment or period in time...

The eighth month of the year...

The act of someone appearing again...

A smooth hard panel, usually green or black, for writing...

The hard cover of a book...

A flat surface on which a game is played...

A punctuation symbol written at the end of a sentence or phrase to indicate...

The interval from sunrise to sunset.

Counting backward from an arbitrary number to indicate...

Something that suggests the presence...

An act or gesture used to convey an idea, a desire...

A public way or thoroughfare in a city or town, usually with a sidewalk or sidewalks.

Baseball + (Left) field

A rounded, often wooden club...

A game played with a bat...

A self-propelled passenger vehicle...

A cocktail of crĆØme de menthe and brandy.

Capable of moving or of being moved readily from place to place.

The period between sunset and sunrise, especially the hours of darkness.

The part or parts that face out; the outer surface.

The act of catching sight of something...

- The 24th letter of the modern English alphabet -

- A system of signals used to represent letters or numbers in transmitting messages -

- A descriptive (name) -

- an audio file similar to a radio broadcast -

- The portion of a line between any two points on the line -

- A (code) of integrity, dignity, and pride -

- any person whom one does not know - ;-)

- an expression indicating surprise -

Maestro - different - note - please...

- also Me. Maine - ;-)

- A child of one's aunt or uncle. Also called first (cousin) -

- The fourth in a set or sequence -

- A word or words by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others -

- 2 evolve from one's imagination -

- The act of finding -

- if you like or wish -

- Containing nothing; empty -

- Capitol Wrestling Corporation - ;-)

- manner or style of speaking or conversation -

(The hard, fibrous substance)

(In a wild manner)

(The act or process of comparing)

(A picture of one's self)

(A walk made of wooden planks)

(To move or go quickly; hurry)

(The contestant who wins the contest)

(A forest or wooded area in its natural state)

(A division during which one team is on the offensive)

A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.

Something worth striving for; a highly desirable possession.

A metal container usually having a lock, used for storing valuables.

To undo (a lock) by turning a key or corresponding part.

- 2 be exactly like; correspond exactly -

2 come upon or discover...

An (open) mechanical sleeve usually having a swivel + 2 separate or unfasten; disconnect...

- a hidden cave; a hidden meaning -

A notched and grooved, usually metal implement that is turned to open or close a lock.

- Being a single thing -

A tennis contest won by the player or side that wins a specified number of sets...

The tension can be adjusted by rotating the frame, which causes both eye bolts to be screwed in or out simultaneously, without twisting the eye bolts or attached cables.

A work of fiction, a drama, or a film dealing with...

An idea of something formed by mentally combining...

A formal game or sports event in which people...

- Rebel Without a Cause (1955) -

In the same way...

In a loose manner...

(The) man wore...

The spotlight fell (on)...

2 refuse allegiance 2 and oppose...

A general or descriptive heading, as of a book chapter.

- The attire worn in a play -

Code X: Sailor Beware - 1952

- four o'clock -

- clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion -

The creation of ? beautiful ? or significant things.

- popular entertainment -

Freedom VS. Expression = What's special about Superman is that he will always make the right choice.

Act 10 + Scene 07 + Year 2014 = And the spirit of Superman is great to have around.

* Superman's Cape *

Code Rock: The attire worn in a play.

- An interesting past -

Something that is conveyed or signified; sense or significance.

The act, process, or technique of describing.

A photograph taken at (close range) or with a long focal-length lens.

- A prominent or distinctive aspect -

- A special attraction at an entertainment -

- Arranged for a particular occasion -

- A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Lyra and Corona Borealis -

- Flex Kavana -

The condition or fact of being dominant.

- 2 transmit a message -

!? whoop it up !?

! assistant - association - assorted !

Code X: *** Caesars Palace ***

2 allow someone to participate in (something).

A facial aspect or a look that conveys a special feeling.

The surface of the front of the head from the top of the forehead to the base of the chin and from ear to ear.

The condition or quality of being or keeping still and silent.

In a manner characterized by...

- the spectators or listeners assembled at a performance -

- often Galaxy The Milky Way -

The act or an instance of surprising.

A sudden or unexpected...

- Paul E. Dangerously -

(Outside) the field of view of a television or movie camera.

Within the field of view of a television or movie camera.

A group or department of private...

2 refuse to recognize or acknowledge.

- With the exception that -

An enclosed area for the presentation of sports events and spectacles.

From the outside to a point within.

To go or move in a quiet, stealthy way.

An attempt; an effort.

The period between evening and bedtime.

The day following Sunday.

- in particular; specifically -

To go from one place to another, as on a trip; journey.

A garment for the upper part of the body, typically having a collar, sleeves, and a front opening.

- Baseball out -

The 23rd letter of the modern English alphabet.

The 14th letter of the modern English alphabet.

Further in the same manner.

A lightweight simple garment for the upper body, usually short-sleeved.

- X experimental -

The fourth letter of the modern English alphabet.

Intended to be worn.

Any of the parts into which something can be divided.

Someone who is dazzlingly skilled.

The (next) person or thing...

A series of names, words, or other items written, printed, or imagined one after the other.

The ordinal number matching the number one in a series.

At the present time.

To have a beginning; commence.

Two games or events held in succession on the same program, especially in baseball.

A game played with a bat and ball.

An acknowledgment of appreciation.

A source of enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.

At any time; in any event.

Coming after the correct, usual, or expected time. (?)

- after midday -

A mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number.

The cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one.

1 more than seven.

Perhaps; possibly.

A trade, profession, or other means of livelihood.

A specified duty or responsibility.

A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way.

Something presented; a gift.

At the present time; right now.

The flow of ideas is broad, continuous, like a river...

The act of someone who floats on the water.

An individual's conception of something.

At or near the beginning of the morning.

- Above the horizon -

A male having the same parents as another or one parent in common with another.

The period between sunset and sunrise.

Serving the desired purpose.

To go or move about from place to place.

- 2 retreat rapidly -

Such sensations considered as a group.

A distinctive noise.

The distance over which something can be heard.

To extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle.

Occurring, growing, or living in a natural state; not domesticated, cultivated, or tamed.

Hint: ddox

(You) guys have helped me so much!!!

- In honor of -

A grill, pit, or outdoor fireplace for roasting meat.

2 break loose from...

The symbol for imaginary unit.

The U.S. film industry.

- Upon the surface of -

A (take) is a single continuous recorded performance.

At a very young age, Miz expressed a great interest and talent in...

The subject of such a task.

Serving as a basis or guide for further work.

A district of Los Angeles, California

A person, especially one of influence or importance, with whom one is associated...

The logical or intelligible ordering of words or ideas; coherence.

An assurance or promise; sworn intention.

2 go on with a particular action...

2 carry on after an interruption; resume.

MTV's The Real World: Back to 2...

A heavy long-handled...

- overly forceful -

A rectangular arena set off by...

- In a lower position or place -

- make one's home in a particular place -

2 contribute to the furtherance...

(an acquaintance or associate)

Limp Bizkit - Rollin'

- On a different note -

July 20 - 26 + July 27 - August 3

- A period of seven days x 2 -

The pitcher and catcher.

- 2 refresh or restore -

- that may or may not -

An important message...

Freedom VS. Expression = The excitement of the fans in Montreal, especially in the playoffs, I don't think you can get that anywhere else. For a hockey player, I kind of wish everyone could go through that and experience what it is to play there. It's very unique.

Act 01 + Scene 07 + Year 2014 = My relationship and the bond with the people in Montreal was kind of special and doesn't happen very often.

- Gord "Terry" Bouvier -

The cardinal number equal to 3 + 1.

A song or melody.

2 produce through artistic or imaginative effort.

A large number of persons gathered together.

- clamorous; noisy: a loud party -

The day following Sunday.

Immediately following, as in time, order, or sequence.