
Showing posts from November, 2014

Freedom VS. Expression = When I think about the songs I might record, I ask myself, 'Can I picture anybody I know back home sitting in their truck cranking this up?'

Act 30 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = It was exactly an assembly line. You could look into infinity down these rows of drawing tables.

To bring or transport to the proper place or recipient; distribute...

[light motor vehicle with an open-top, rear cargo area]

A building housing such an area.

To the inside or interior of...

To guide, control, or direct (a vehicle).

[our man in ... ]

A landscape with (mystery) and charm.

A story that (rings) true.

A rug (under) a chair.

The objects laid out for a meal on this article of furniture.

The numerical symbol 0.

[tender loving care] --- lol

Throughout the course or duration of...

There wasn't a (thing) in sight.

A (little) desk in the corner of the room.

Freedom VS. Expression = There is only one passion, the passion for happiness.

Act 29 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.

[A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem]

A strong inner urge...

Quiet and meaningless as wind in dry grass.

A trade, profession, or other means of livelihood.

To gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery of through experience or study.

An expression consisting of one or more words forming a grammatical constituent of a sentence.

To strive in an effort to master something.

A number of persons bound together.

Something, such as a thought or conception.

Relating to or designating the sign (+).

In a direction toward so as to reach.

Of or relating to the sign (-).

To change the position of by traversing an arc of a circle; pivot.

To concentrate attention or energy.

The absence of sound; stillness.

Freedom VS. Expression = Over the years, I have perfected the art of dancing and photographing at the same time: it's a great double act. If you're dancing, you are joining in. If you stand there rigid, you are not in the flow of things.

Act 28 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

A piece of recorded or live music in which a producer or DJ blends together two or more tracks, often of contrasting genres.

To travel or be moved on wheels or rollers.

The writing or printing on one side of a leaf.

[Joy they say is in the giving]


A statement conveying information in an indirect fashion; a clue(s).

To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.

[amounting to two in number]

To form a mental picture or image of.

A spherical object or entity.

A high-quality, clear, colorless glass.

Freedom VS. Expression = You take that walk from the dressing room to the ring and that's when the real man comes out. Then you climb up those four stairs and into the ring. Then finally, you can't wait for the bell to ring.

Special Act 27 + Special Scene 11 + Special Year 2014 = That's the great thing about a tractor. You can't really hear the phone ring.

To give more force or effectiveness to; strengthen.

A condition or situation in which something is required.

A circular object, form, line, or arrangement with a vacant circular center.

A style of rock music...

To engage in or perform...

An activity involving three people.

Greek Mythology - One of a family of giants.

An encounter between...

To undergo or experience again, especially in the imagination.

An aspect, particular, or feature.

On a line or course parallel.

At, in, or to a place not specified or known.

Freedom VS. Expression = They were able to watch the inauguration on JumboTrons.

Act 26 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = I don't think I'm unusual in preferring my laptop to be thin and light.

[Grape(v)ines considered as a group]

- Having little length -

- now and then or here and there -

W made up typically of short-lived coinages and figures of speech that are deliberately used in place of standard terms W

To put into service or apply for a purpose.

[sometimes called 'Jumbovision']

To constitute an addition.

A portable computer small enough to use on one's lap.

You use not only to link...

2 if two things go hand in hand, they exist together and are connected 2

[Game Master]

This information is for your eyes only...

An expression used to introduce a wish.

Freedom VS. Expression = For me, I'm focused on what I want to do. I know what I need to do to be a champion, so I'm working on it.

Act 25 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion.

Word not found in the Dictionary and Encyclopedia. Did you mean: [BIG SHOW]

[a group or department of private...]

[To join or unite]

[Benefit or profit; gain]

[the art or skill of using stratagems]

[Support or backing]

[whose responsibility it is to defend against something]

[defensive structure]

A group of people who work together.

Freedom VS. Expression = "Defense wins championships."

"Play one game at a time"

Act 24 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Just be patient. Let the game come to you. Don't rush. Be quick, but don't hurry.

2 reach the end of a task.

2 spread open to the wind.

"if I had the chance I'd do it in a flash"

The team that does not have possession of the ball.

The capacity, quality, or fact of being patient.

2 attempt to prevent the opposition from scoring while playing in or near (a goal or area of a field, for example).

The captain of a merchant ship. Also called master mariner.

A 2005 novel by Meg Cabot.

A word or words by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others.

A person who has special skill or knowledge in a particular field.

A distinguishing feature or attribute, as of an individual.

2 cause to come into being, as something unique.

Freedom VS. Expression = My whole philosophy is to broadcast the way a fan would broadcast.

Act 23 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = I've been lucky to broadcast some great events and to broadcast the exploits of some great players.

- commerce, and culture; a (town) of -

Various or assorted.

A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product.

Distinct or separate.

A broadcast that is carried [simultaneously] by radio and television.

The station begins broadcasting at...

A period of recess, usually lasting one week.

- occurring between winter and summer -

He sprung on the world this novel...

A spring to one's step.

A time of growth and renewal.

In the direction or vicinity of.

A course or path.

Freedom VS. Expression = On a big film, there's almost no way you can meet everyone. On an indie, there are 30 people and no trailers to duck into.

Act 22 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = For my 'Perfect Chemistry' series, I did movie-style book trailers, and my fans went crazy for them.

{ the act of presenting or displaying }

{ 2 present (a performer, for example) to the public for the first time }

{ a (connected) cinematic narrative represented in this form }

{ not dependent on other variables }

{ to contribute to the progress or growth of }

{ the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of }

{ the designing, scheduling, or planning of a program, as in broadcasting }

{ the ticker symbol 4 }

{ a kit 4 building...}

Freedom VS. Expression = You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.

Act 21 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Time moves in one direction, memory in another.

[A system of lines or channels that cross or interconnect]

A live television program.

World Wide Wrestling Federation [ ;-) ]

[the structure, form]

[2 give direction 2]

A meeting for consultation or discussion.

To iron (clothing, for example).

[of exceedingly great scope or nature]

The end of the week, especially the period from Friday evening through Sunday evening.

Behind in place or order.

A state in which all components or elements are arranged logically.

Freedom VS. Expression = A shoe is not only a design, but it's a part of your body language, the way you walk. The way you're going to move is quite dictated by your shoes.

Act 20 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.

A phrase that has become a catchword.

1's name as written by oneself.

A letter, number, or symbol placed at the bottom of the first page.

- footwear that raises the heel of the wearer's foot significantly higher -

The distinctness or clarity of an image rendered by an optical system.

Toward, to, or on the ground, floor, or bottom.

To progress in sequence; go forward: a novel that moves slowly.

- In or to a higher position -

- at close range -

The modern camera evolved from the camera obscura.

The reincarnation of Athena in the manga Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas.

I know you have something to tell me, so shoot!

- Slang 2 begin talking -

The place in which the action of a play, movie, novel, or other narrative occurs; a setting.

- vigorous or fresh -

- a way or course -

A long, narrow stretch with a leveled or paved surface.

Freedom VS. Expression = The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.

Act 19 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body.

- "Ramblin" Ricky Rhodes -

The Game is not available in...

A poem (in) iambic pentameter.

The mechanism actuating a player piano.

A dirty job at the garage.

The new suit (becomes) you.

- a rhythmic ballroom dance -

- paid ten dollars (for) a ticket -

A piano performance of (particular) depth and fluidity.

I have (something) to tell you.

Freedom VS. Expression = Don't quit. Never give up trying to build the world you can see, even if others can't see it. Listen to your drum and your drum only. It's the one that makes the sweetest sound.

Act 18 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.

"Wind of Change" (Scorpions song), 1991

Moving air, especially a natural and perceptible movement of air parallel to or along the ground.

Exactly equal and alike.

Any sound, other than music or speech.

Auditory material that is recorded, as for a movie.

To dispatch, as by a communications medium.

English diplomat and poet noted for introducing the sonnet form into English literature.

The act or an instance of entering.

Preceding in time or order.

Freedom VS. Expression = Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.

Act 17 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = My favorite thing about L.A. is the sunny breezes that mimic the mindset of the energy in the people.

A printed or written literary work.

One that enjoys special favor or regard.

The act or activity of one that reads.

During or in the intervening time...

Contemptuous or jeering laughter...

To mimic, as in sport or ...

Raised flat surface which you put your feet on to move to a different level.

To rest with the torso vertical and the body supported on the buttocks.

To advance toward the speaker or toward a specified place.

- East of Eden and Rebel Without a Cause -

To execute (a base hit) successfully: hit a single.

The written or printed score for such a composition.

Something seen by a viewer; a view or prospect.

Freedom VS. Expression = Despite their name, they are often made from other metals, plastics or carbon fibers.

Act 16 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = A length of lumber that is 2 inches thick and 4 inches wide.

- A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation -

- 2 contribute to the furtherance of; promote -

- The general direction in which something tends to move -

- 2 be a source or cause of -

- A beneficial factor or combination of factors -

- 2 make practical or worthwhile use of -

- An unspecified individual; any(one) -

- A (single) person or (thing) -

- bring back to the point of departure -

Freedom VS. Expression = A live concert to me is exciting because of all the electricity that is generated in the crowd and on stage. It's my favorite part of the business, live concerts.

Act 15 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = The desert has its holiness of silence, the crowd its holiness of conversation.

A spectator who shouts encouragement.

The sound made by a lion.

To employ the imagination.

The illumination derived from a source of light.

A person's ideas, knowledge, or understanding.

The natural features of a landscape.

The general appearance of a place.

A short, usually descriptive literary sketch.

1 who participates in a game or sport.

A game played on a rectangular field.

The indefinite time yet to come.

Freedom VS. Expression = I'm a DJ. I get the party started.

Act 14 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Adventure is just bad planning.

A town enjoying sudden prosperity.

The scene or setting in which something takes place; a locale.

The superlative of good.

The action of 1 that gathers.

"the essential feature"

2 put together into an orderly, functional, structured whole.

1 who is in charge of the business affairs of an entertainer.

A person who makes plans.

A social gathering especially for pleasure or amusement.

A member of the rose family.

She played the part of...

An actor's portrayal of someone in a play.

Freedom VS. Expression = Gazzo: You got it, Rock ? Rocky: [beat] I got it.

Act 13 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Not only do I think being nice and kind is easy but being kind, in my opinion, is important.

A combat sport in which two people engage in a contest.

"a (set of related) television or radio programs"

"familiar guest"

"a long and glorious career"

An artistic performer or athlete whose leading role or superior performance is acknowledged.

A spoken or written request for someone's presence or participation.

An entry, as in a horse race, with only a slight chance of winning.

Freedom VS. Expression = I jog up to the Hollywood sign every weekend. It's fun and what a view!

Act 12 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Mystery is a resource, like coal or gold, and its preservation is a fine thing.

Something shaped like a V.

The 22nd in a series.

A specific style of type.

* A "walk of fame" or an "avenue of fame" *

A district of Los Angeles long associated with the American film industry.

To, at, or within a short distance or interval in space or time.

A notched and grooved, usually metal implement that is turned to open or close a lock.

Relating to the universe or the objects in it.

The act of catching sight of something, especially something unusual or searched for.

Freedom VS. Expression = When I played with the Knicks, I was just as important or just as smart as any other of the guards I played with. I still had to call out plays, notice schemes, know the systems, do everything they had to do.

Act 11 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = The NBA has the best point guards in the world, so it is important that I come ready to play every night.

An idea that came out of...

To become a part or member of...

A result of collaboration.

A systematic arrangement of elements...

Always the same, as in character or degree; unvarying.

[stand near to]

[music an ancient bowed stringed instrument]

Within the field of view of a television or movie camera.

A description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities.

A character in a fictional literary work.

Freedom VS. Expression = For me art and chess are closely related, both are forms in which the self finds beauty and expression.

Act 10 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = In chess, you should be as cool as a cucumber.

[grand master chess]

The built-up portion of a shoe or boot, supporting the heel.

Served without milk or cream.

Fontana originated the role of Tony.

A return to formerly enjoyed status or prosperity.

A countryman; a compatriot.

Freedom VS. Expression = Even in winter an isolated patch of snow has a special quality.

Act 09 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Winter is not a season, it's an occupation.

The road runs directly north.

In a direct line or manner; straight.

To carry back and repeat to another.

[Brewed coffee]

To be like or similar to.

A stage area out of sight of the audience.

Something unspecified whose name is...

Just found, discovered, or learned.

Freedom VS. Expression = Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.

Act 08 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.

- Placename -

One [who works] at a particular occupation or activity.

Mentally toughened; strong-minded.

To present or hold up to view.

"This will enhance your enjoyment"

- A "selfie camera" -

The player [took it] on the fly.

[small area set off by walls for special use]

[snack kiosk or snack bar]

An enclosed area for the presentation of sports events and spectacles.

To or among various places; here and there.

To go to first base after the pitcher has thrown four pitches ruled as balls.

The act of traveling [from one place to another]

[The Marine 3: Homefront & Aaron]

Freedom VS. Expression = Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together.

Act 07 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = The first sentence of a book is a handshake, perhaps an embrace.

His fingers pressed my hand like...

The grasping of [hands] by two people, as in greeting or leave-taking.

[With great cordiality and hospitality]

[A sturdy box with a lid and often a lock, used especially for storage]

[Either side of a right triangle that is not the hypotenuse]

[sweep off one's feet]

Leonardo studied the...

A following of one thing after another; succession.

The information or image displayed at a given time on such a computer monitor.

A building housing such an area.

The future was like a sunny road...

Freedom VS. Expression = This limited theatrical release was a nice little bonus that I never expected.

Act 06 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Getting on stage is a bonus, that's my therapy, that's when I can tell stories and it all makes sense.

Anything that tends to arouse.

A stimulus with desirable consequences.

A personal interest or involvement.

A team of two wrestlers who compete.

A quantity obtained by multiplication.

To display prominently, especially to advantage.

A special type of paint.

Distinct among others of a kind.

Freedom VS. Expression = A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.

Act 05 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music.

"Right in Front of You"

"A New Day Has Come"

The main film presentation at a theater.

A performance given by one or more singers or instrumentalists or both.

Occurring soon; forthcoming.

A brief literary description.

An allurement, enticement, or attraction.

A special occasion; a special treat.

Freedom VS. Expression = My background is in psychology and I'm also a stage actor. That's my background.

Act 04 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = People always say golfers don't smile. But there is so much psychology in golf so we have to be a bit robotic.

The science that deals with mental processes and behavior.

A person awarded an honorary degree.

A position of honor or special trust.

A person regarded as exemplifying a particular profession.

2 speak of or discuss (something).

A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.

Freedom VS. Expression = Yeah we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun.

Act 03 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle.

Star connection vs. Shooting star

* 2 give a name or title 2 *

[ A rectangular arena set off by stakes and ropes ]

* In a circle or with a circular motion: spun around twice *

* 2 move at a fast gallop *

* A plan, scheme, or method *

* 2 be in possession of *

[ An asterisk (*) ]

* The star key on a telephone *

* A self-luminous celestial body *

Freedom VS. Expression = Baseball is drama with an endless run and an ever-changing cast.

Act 02 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = The two most important things in life are good friends and a strong bullpen.

[ A raised and level floor or platform ]

[ Most important; principal ]

[ A game or contest in which 2 ]

[ Athletics consists of sports such as ... ]

[ The sum of a sequentially ordered finite or infinite set of terms ]

[ The state of being a rival or rivals ]

[ The act of competing ]

Freedom VS. Expression = If my life were a song the title would be 'The Comeback Kid.'

Act 01 + Scene 11 + Year 2014 = A smile is the universal welcome.

Goods bought and sold in business.

A displayed structure bearing (lettering) or symbols, used to identify or advertise a place of business.

{ Additional; extra }

2 support or promote; encourage.

2 pass a ball or puck to (a teammate), especially to set up a scoring chance.

{ Exprimer, dire qqch Ć  }

A specific occupation or pursuit.

{ Ry or RY may mean }

A conversation with or questioning of a person.

{ Abbr. Mon. or M }

A place or time of beginning.