
Showing posts from June, 2015

Freedom VS. Expression = For me, the magic of Hawaii comes from the stillness, the sea, the stars.

Act 30 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Laughter is an instant vacation.

The plot of a book or play or film.

Of or relating to a new...

To serve as a route for; take.

A state of the United States in the central Pacific Ocean including all of the Hawaiian Islands.

A period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday.

- throughout the course or duration of -

- 1941 American drama film produced by, co-written by, directed by and starring Orson Welles -

A surface bounding a solid figure.

Of a different character or quality...

The main film presentation at a theater.

Freedom VS. Expression = Before turning pro, I would never have just left my skates sitting in the locker room unattended.

Act 29 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Matches are won and lost so many times in the locker room.

In any or every place; in all places... lol

A changing room, locker room...

To come or go in; make an entry...

- an auxiliary verb expressing incapacity, inability, withholding permission, etc; can not -

A posted notice bearing a designation, direction...

Causing laughter or amusement.

- to carry on from the point -

A song many people sing not knowing what the word 'rollin' ... lol

Freedom VS. Expression = A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose.

Act 28 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = I love a card. You know, cards? At birthdays? I collect them.

A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth and indicating... ;-)

A temporary stop or rest...

- hearts (ā™„) -

- to come into possession -

- to take as a choice from among several; pick out - lol...

- to furnish with or attach to a (card) -

- to select from a group -

- to come to a certain place during -

In the Northern Hemisphere, the usually warmest season of the year...

Being apart from others; solitary.

- any game or games played with cards, esp playing cards -

The act of playing...

The objects laid out for...

A native or inhabitant of Bulgaria.

The day of the week that comes after Sunday and before Tuesday.

Something seen by a viewer...

Freedom VS. Expression = I have amazing friends who have led inspirational lives.

Act 27 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.

The act or process of motivating...

A performer hired to play a minor part, as in a crowd scene in a film...

- of or pertaining to youth -

The skill of throwing or pitching a ball well...

Used to indicate position above...

Past participle of write...

A word or term by which a person or thing is commonly and distinctively known.

- now and then or here and there -

The act or an instance of entering.

Throughout the course or duration of...

American professional wrestler, bodybuilder, rapper... ;-)

An original, full-scale, and usually working model of a new product or new version of an existing product.

Anything that helps to solve a mystery...

Freedom VS. Expression = Why do we love the sea? It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think.

Act 26 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = I like to run on the beach. It's a different exercise as well when you're in sand, a different kind of training.

One determined by the regional or social background of the speaker.

To affect with great wonder; astonish...

A native or inhabitant of Venezuela.

- used to indicate the original location -

Something comparable to such a spectacle or procession in its variety or grandeur...

The combination of all the qualities of a person...

A light or moderate yellowish brown to brownish orange.

Having a specified height.

A woman, especially when spoken of or to in a polite way.

A trademark or distinctive name identifying...

The (next) but one the one after the next...

Freedom VS. Expression = I remember riding my bike down the boardwalk with nowhere to go and looking at the girls. It was really innocent.

Act 25 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = When I walk down the boardwalk, people stop me and say, 'Oh, your house is the one that glows.'

A phrase that has become a catchword...

To ride a bike...

The first or early part of the day...

Activities that go on every day.

A promenade, especially of planks, along a beach or waterfront.

Plan a vacation on the best...

Book the best W hotels...

A place where something is or could be...

VARIANTS: Loris, Renzo

A word or words by which an entity is designated...

A composition for three voices or three instruments.

A session in which a photographer takes pictures of...

Enjoyable; amusing...

Freedom VS. Expression = How a hat makes you feel is what a hat is all about.

Act 24 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = When I do a mask, I do try to put a lot of character and a lot of expression into the sculpt.

The point, as in a musical score, at which a performer begins.

Throughout the course or duration...

Of, relating to, or composed in the Latin language.

To cause to feel wonder, astonishment, or amazement, as at something...

A large number of things considered together.

A head covering of distinctive color and shape...

A covering worn on the face to conceal one's...

Something, such as a chair or bench, that may be sat on...

English diplomat and poet noted for introducing the sonnet form into English literature.

The day of the week between Saturday and Monday.

Freedom VS. Expression = Every doorway, every intersection has a story.

Act 23 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Where there is great love, there are always wishes.

A genus of Old World mints of the family Labiatae...

An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical.

The indefinite time yet to come...

Being the same or identical to in value.

A trademark for an online social networking service...

A set or succession of three similar things...

The northern continent of the Western Hemisphere...

At, in, or to a place...

There is no difference in meaning between someone and somebody...

Proceeding in steps...

A female name. It is a diminutive form of names ending in...

A geometric figure formed by a point moving along a fixed direction and the reverse direction.

An account or recital of an event or a series of events, either true or fictitious, as...

Remarkable or outstanding...

Freedom VS. Expression = All virtue is summed up in dealing justly.

Act 22 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, and robes the mountain in its azure hue.

The day of the week that comes after Sunday and before Tuesday.

Used to indicate position above and supported by or in contact with.

- in a little while -

Transactions or relations with others, usually in business.

- an action or the performance -

A scene or vista...

- designating or relating to an operation in which only one of a set of independent variables is considered at a time -

The ground or scenery located behind something.

The act or an instance of coming into sight.

- in brief, in a few words; in short -

The land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake.

- is also pronounced similarly to Sachi -

Freedom VS. Expression = If you think and feel what you're supposed to think and feel, hard enough, it'll come out through your eyes - and the camera will see it.

Act 21 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Light in Nature creates the movement of colors.

The suggestion or illusion of motion in a painting, sculpture, or design...

An act that requires use of resources or time.

Being part of an established routine.

The act or process of preparing.

Of or relating to the period of time before an athletic competition.

A setting in which someone or something may be displayed, especially to advantage.

- especially one recorded on film -

A camera that captures moving images...

The day of the week that comes after Monday and before Wednesday.

The day of the week that comes after Sunday and before Tuesday.

For or to each one; apiece...

Earlier in time...

Made by fastening several layers or sections one on top of the other...

The character represented by...

Something that is new.

Freedom VS. Expression = Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness.

Act 20 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Film is one of the three universal languages, the other two: mathematics and music.

- wearing the number 54 -

He is the second eldest of five brothers.

One's name as written by oneself.

The position at which two lines, surfaces, or edges meet and form an angle.

The uppermost part, point, surface, or end.

The third letter of the modern English alphabet.

A written symbol or character representing a speech sound and being a component of an alphabet.

To achieve victory or finish first in a competition.

An identifying name given to a book, play, film, musical composition, or other work.

A symbol or word used to represent a number.

A garment worn on the upper part of the body.

A game played by two teams of three or four players on horseback who are equipped with long-handled mallets for driving a small wooden ball through the opponents' goal.

To give rise to; produce.

To promote the sale of, as by advertising or display.

Freedom VS. Expression = Baseball is an island of activity amidst a sea of statistics.

Act 19 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = If you do two versions of a film, they should be identical. With the same frames and settings.

Land next to the sea; the seashore.

An area or region lying in the west.

Used to indicate a specified place or time as a starting point.

A girl or (woman) with brown hair...

A person or thing that looks like or closely resembles another...

A highly distinguished female singer; prima...

One more; an additional...

A group or set of three of one kind.

A group of persons forming a cohesive...

- such as Isabella and Annabella -

To write (a quantity) as a sum of terms in an extended form.

Freedom VS. Expression = To such an extent does nature delight and abound in variety that among her trees there is not one plant to be found which is exactly like another; and not only among the plants, but among the boughs, the leaves and the fruits, you will not find one which is exactly similar to another.

Act 18 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity.

- painter, sculptor, architect -

A zodiacal constellation in the N hemisphere...

An acknowledgment of appreciation.

Any of the principal divisions of the ocean.

To keep in a safe or healthy condition.

The capacity of a physical system to do work.

Capable of being renewed...

In a clean or ______________ ?

In the traditional model of solar systems...

The act of holding, guarding, maintaining, or supporting...

To conclude successfully; complete.

All things or all of a group of things.

A conventional expression of gratitude.

A message transmitted by telegraph. ;-)

Freedom VS. Expression = The greatest self is a peaceful smile, that always sees the world smiling back.

Act 17 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Even the simplest wicker basket can become priceless when it is loved and cared for through the generations of a family.

To have or form a smile - ;-)

Of inestimable worth; invaluable.

A number of things...

Lateral direction indicated according to the way in which one is facing.

A long slender piece of wood, especially...

- Street hockey -

A game played on ice between two teams.

An assemblage of persons.

A picture produced by photography.

The direction along a meridian 90Ā° counterclockwise from east; the direction to the left of sunrise.

Above a surface...

Friend; commonly used in greetings.

Freedom VS. Expression = I produced a song for Bobby Vee called Get The Message.

Act 16 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = A man never feels more important than when he receives a telegram containing more than ten words.

Something that will last or continue...

The substance of such a communication...

- open and genuine -

A publication, usually issued daily or weekly, containing current news, editorials...

Spread out; unfolded...

These verbs refer to being or becoming visually or mentally aware of something...

Something, such as a chair or bench, that may be sat on...

- adjacent to; at or on one side of -

A trade, profession, or other means...

To move away from a place; depart.

- to travel on or by means of a bus -

An incorporated municipality...

To catch or receive...

To go on foot for pleasure or exercise...

i's or I's also is or Is - ;- )

An account or recital of an event or a series of events, either true or fictitious...

A funny cartoon...

Freedom VS. Expression = Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness.

Act 15 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = To give somebody your time is the biggest gift you can give.

Something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation...

Done with delicacy and skill...

To keep back, as for future use or for a special purpose.

- whether they were used in the final hand ... -

Actions or statements intended to...

A collective noun...

A condition of no wind or a wind with a speed of less than 1 knot...

On a line or course parallel and close to; continuously beside.

To take part in a sport or game.

The period between dusk and midnight of a given day.

Throughout the course or duration of...

McAuslan launched its first beer in February1989. St-Ambroise...

Freedom VS. Expression = Real art is basic emotion. If a scene is handled with simplicity - and I don't mean simple - it'll be good, and the public will know it.

Act 14 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = If you can do what you do best and be happy, you're further along in life than most people.

- is a paved public thoroughfare in a built environment-

- wolfed, wolfĀ·ing, wolfs -

A person who works for another in return for financial or other compensation.

The faculty or act of speaking.

- "a scene from ___________ film" -

- include Romeo... -

Leonardo was the illegitimate son of a Florentine notary...

A very popular photo and video sharing service.

Something seen by a viewer; a view or prospect.

To cause to be or become.

A source of enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.

The imaginary quantity equal to the square root of minus one.

Freedom VS. Expression = I was walking in the park and this guy waved at me. Then he said, 'I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else.' I said, 'I am.'

Act 13 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = To the artist there is never anything ugly in nature.

A perennial woody plant having a main trunk and usually a distinct crown.

And other unspecified things...

To play or dance to rock music.

Somewhat round in appearance or form...

To, at, or within a short distance...

An area of land set aside for public use, as...

You can also say that someone or something is outside...

A bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin.

A theatrical pose created for effect.

The light chirping sound made by certain birds.

A visual representation of something, such as a person or scene, produced on a surface, as in a photograph.

People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.

The meaning of the name S.

Freedom VS. Expression = The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists.

Act 12 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = The road to success is always under construction.

- The "American dream" has powered the hopes and aspirations -

A part or subdivision of a piece of writing, book, etc...

A Greek island in the SE Aegean, off the SW coast of Turkey: largest Dodecanese Island.

- when you are giving the name of someone or something -

The act, process, art, or occupation of constructing.

A group of persons judged outstanding, as in a sport or profession.

- of or pertaining to that which is material -

The indefinite time yet to come.

If something is near, near to, or close to a place or thing.

Freedom VS. Expression = A different spice is the most interesting thing to me.

Act 11 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor.

Above the horizon... ;-)

- used to represent an inanimate thing understood, previously mentioned -

Any of various pungent, aromatic plant substances, such as cinnamon or...

Something said; an utterance, remark, or comment. ;-)

To give and receive reciprocally; interchange.

Sonny ____________, American jazz tenor saxophonist.

The day of the week that comes after Sunday.

The persons or number of persons that are present.

Relating to or composed of more than one member...

One taking part in a contest; a competitor.

Sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire; adequate...

Able to withstand great strain...

- something representing, represented by, or consisting of one unit -

A subdivision of an act in a dramatic presentation in which the setting is fixed and the time continuous.

Freedom VS. Expression = Curtain! Fast music! Light! Ready for the last finale! Great! The show looks good, the show looks good!

Act 10 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = The lead car is unique, except for the one behind it which is identical.

To start play in ice hockey, lacrosse, and other games by releasing the puck or ball between two opposing players.

Eurasian tree with orange-red berrylike fruits.

Any of various ancient and modern instruments of similar or U-shaped design.

One that arrives or has arrived.

To be kept as ready for...

Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter d.

The third in a set or sequence.

A group on the same side, as in a game.

An inner or interior part.

Choose your New Lincoln...

Any wheeled vehicle.

An area in or near a town designed and usually zoned for a certain purpose.

Note, notice, and remark...

An enclosed area for the presentation of sports events and spectacles.

"I see the lights of a town ahead"

The state or process of acting or doing.

The equipment used to convert the optical image of a scene...

Freedom VS. Expression = We are born believing. A man bears beliefs as a tree bears apples.

Act 09 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Astonishment is the root of philosophy.

- parrots laughing and chattering in the trees -

A renaissance...

A group of individuals derived from a common stock...

The children of one of these groups...

English diplomat and poet noted for introducing the sonnet form into English literature.

To have confidence in the truth, existence, reliability, or value of something.

A phrase that has become a catchword...

A male person having the same parents as another person...

The possessive form of he...

A part of a plant...

Never used or worn before now...

In the company of; accompanying...

The state of being reunited.

A gathering of the members of a group who have been separated.

Something that is treated or indicated in a work of art.

Into view or existence...

To form by combining materials or parts; construct.

The amount of turn between two straight lines that have a common end point...

Freedom VS. Expression = I know I'm incredibly unpredictable, and that's the only thing I'm sure of.

Act 08 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Good painting is like good cooking; it can be tasted, but not explained.

A picture or design in paint.

Recently made, produced...

To express one's thoughts or emotions by means...

His directorial debut and starred in the 1978 film Paradise Alley.

To or toward the direction or location of...

A usually short communication transmitted by words.

- (of motion) in the same direction -

The starting point at a racetrack.

To cause to feel wonder, astonishment, or amazement.

The light chirping sound made by certain birds.

- is the tenth letter in the modern English alphabet -

- means countryman, brother, or pal -

Freedom VS. Expression = Whoever is happy will make others happy too.

Act 07 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Beauty is whatever gives joy.

Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy - ;-)

- the objective case of they -

To cause to act in a specified manner.

An ardent devotee; an enthusiast.

- feeling or demonstrating loyalty or devotion; ardent; devout -

One more than four hundred ninety-nine.

To come or go after; proceed behind.

A trademark for an online social networking service that limits posts to...

During the daytime on every day or most days.

One more than twenty-nine.

Used to refer to the one or ones being addressed.

An unspecified individual; anyone.

Freedom VS. Expression = Charm is a way of getting the answer 'Yes' without asking a clear question.

Act 06 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Oui, mais...

OUI or Oui may refer 2...

Used to indicate understanding or acknowledgment of a statement.

Meaningful letters or characters that constitute readable...

A short-sleeved, pullover shirt with no collar.

To bring (something) into existence...

The Latin adjective silvestris meaning...

Freedom VS. Expression = When I get into the (studio), it's not about trying to get a good song, it's about whatever comes naturally.

Act 05 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = I often get ideas for songs on the (tour) bus at odd times. Like at 6am when no one is around, I'd just write.

Denotes the location where most, if not all, of the important functions of an...

A (studio) is an artist's or worker's workroom...

Capitol Wrestling...

The performing of an action or a play in a game again after the first performance has been discounted or is under...

To some extent or degree...

Gira artĆ­stica de un cantante...

A code word of sorts for maintaining this "reality" within the realm of the general...

A 14-point printing type.

Used as a courtesy title before the surname.

Freedom VS. Expression = I love that feeling of just finishing a workout and knowing I'm taking care of my body. It is such a good feeling.

Act 04 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = My standard uniform is a T-shirt and jeans.

A shoe for exercise or sport; sneaker.

- most liked; preferred above all others -

A short-sleeved, pullover shirt with no collar.

- goods; commodities -

Intended to be worn...

The business or activity of selling...

To contribute to the progress...

To run in such a way for sport or exercise.

As an illustrative instance...

The process or routine of one who...

Superstars is an all-around...

WWE's developmental territory...

A weak chirping sound, as of a young or small bird.

A group or connected succession of similar or related things, usually arranged in order.

Freedom VS. Expression = Let the fresh fruits and vegetables be your guide, and make something that will keep for the whole week.

Act 03 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Chairs are like sculpture.

3 - Chris is a short form of various names including Christopher.

2- Bautista is located east of...

1 - To move back and forth or from side to side, especially gently or rhythmically.

A word or words by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others.

A visiting performer, speaker, or contestant, as on a radio or television program.

A conversation, such as one conducted by...

The genre of epic poetry...

Any fleshy part of a plant, other than the above structure, that supports the seeds and is edible, such as the strawberry...

The objects laid out for a meal on this article of furniture.

A piece of furniture designed to accommodate one sitting...

The cardinal number equal to 2 + 1.

To provide seating accommodation for...

Renee was among the top 100 names given...

The indefinite time yet to come.

Just about; almost; nearly.

The period of light between dawn and nightfall; the interval from sunrise to sunset.

The smallest whole number and the first cardinal number; unity.

Freedom VS. Expression = It is not hard to understand modern art. If it hangs on a wall it's a painting, and if you can walk around it it's a sculpture.

Act 02 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Show me a mall, and I'm happy.

Which boxer won the heavyweight title?

The distinctive name of a work of art, musical or literary composition, etc

A public promenade or street of shops...

To march or walk through or around.

A photograph that one takes of oneself.

A long piece of wood or other material set upright into the ground to serve as a marker or support.

A narrative or record of events.

A trademark for an online social networking service that limits posts to 140 characters.

The possessive form of you.

An administrative officer in charge of a college, faculty, or division in a university.

Freedom VS. Expression = The essence of a role-playing game is that it is a group, cooperative experience.

Act 01 + Scene 06 + Year 2015 = Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self.

A professional singer, comedian, or other performer who takes part in public entertainments...

A group of people broadly distinguished...

Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed.

- from or by a person, author, etc, whose name is unknown or withheld -

Up to, alongside, and past...

A circular object, form, line, or arrangement...

In a direction toward so as to reach...

- playing or singing with instrumental or vocal (accompaniment) -

- enĀ·terĀ·tained, enĀ·terĀ·tainĀ·ing, enĀ·terĀ·tains - ers...

Used before singular or plural nouns and noun phrases that denote particular...

Mathematics- Being the same or identical to in value.

A word or words by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others.

A group of persons forming a cohesive...