
Showing posts from November, 2015

Wrestling VS. Entertainment = The most important thing for me is to have my cereal. I have milk and granola and cheese. And that's it. I have a lot of cereals that I eat all day long, and I have a big appetite. All over the planet I carry my cereals!

Act 30 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = For whatever reason, I enjoy eating soggy cereal.

... gg's products are manufactured in 18 countries and marketed in over 180 countries...

- 2 act as champion of -

The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.

A grain used for food, such as wheat, oats, or corn.

The band has a >>> gig...

- it is what you say when you return -

The period from midnight to noon...

The cardinal number that is the sum of nine and one; the base of the decimal system.

In a circle or with a circular motion...

See you later...

Wrestling VS. Entertainment = I don't know how much more expressive you can get than being a rock and roll singer.

Act 29 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = Rock and roll music, if you like it, if you feel it, you can't help but move to it. That's what happens to me. I can't help it.'

Approach worked where the two previous light beers / Mi... trained at WWA4 wrestling school...

Together with or along with; in addition...

Any of numerous shrubs or vines of the genus R, having prickly stems...

A type of pop music originating in the 1950s as a blend of rhythm and blues...

To cause to come to the mind...

An intense emotional attachment to something...

The one and the other...

Having the qualities that are desirable...

Of or relating to an individual...

The cardinal number equal to the sum of 1 + 1.

A formal agreement establishing such an association...

The action of predicting something --- ;-)

Wrestling VS. Entertainment = ā€œThe five Sā€™s of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit.ā€

Act 28 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = Comeback is a good word, man.

The distinction or condition of being a champion...

A natural upward projection of the...

The uppermost part, point...

A course or path...

A clever or effective retort; rejoinder...

To cause an activity to stop by saying or doing something.

That which is considered to be the ultimate ground of reality.

The 18th letter of the modern English alphabet.

At some time >>> in...

Throughout the course or duration of...

- from Entertainment and Sports -

... is a daily sports news television show, and the flagship program...

A conversation, such as one conducted by a...

In the near future; shortly...

Wrestling VS. Entertainment = I write almost every single part of my songs, even the actual drum parts sometimes, whether they be simple or layered with many different instruments.

Act 27 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = When you approach this instrument for the first time, what comes out of you is simply what you feel.

A 2012 song by American R&B singer Alicia Keys...

Specified as; named or called...

The point, as in a musical score, at which a performer begins.

Throughout the course or duration of...

The quality or condition of a - person's singing...

Previous to in time; earlier than.

To move forward along a surface by revolving on an axis or by repeatedly turning over.

A circular or polygonal wall supporting a dome or cupola. Also called tambour...

Something that produces a specific impression...

Such sensations considered as a group.

Wrestling VS. Entertainment = Always have something beautiful in sight, even if it's only a poster on a wall.

Act 26 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = You never walk out of the gym and say, 'I shouldn't have gone.'

>>> hyped, hypā€¢ing >>> Friend; pal. Used as a form of familiar address for a man...

A notched and grooved, usually metal implement that is turned to open or close a lock.

One - (2) - who directs an orchestra or other such group.

Athletic facility equipped for sports...

The course of practice and exercise and...

The sum of a sequentially ordered finite or infinite set of terms.

A website on which subscribers can post video files.

These nouns refer to what is formed or represented in the mind as the product of mental activity...


Jonathan Curtis >>> [Johnny] Curtis...

Something shaped like the letter C.

Something shaped like the letter J.

A word or words by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others.

Being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verifiable existence...

A return to formerly enjoyed status...

- a catchphrase associated with Arnold Schwarzenegger -

- in or after a short time; in a little while -

A grammatical unit that is syntactically independent and has a subject that is expressed...

2 change or update the image of...

An eighteenth-century Spanish couples dance...

The light chirping sound made by certain birds...

A visual representation or image painted, drawn, photographed...

2 take away and place elsewhere...

Any conception existing in the mind...

Wrestling VS. Entertainment = I like 2 do projects I feel some connection 2.

Act 24 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = I love keeping a connection with everyone I've worked with.

There are various customs surrounding handshakes...

The handshake is commonly done upon meeting...

It derives from the name Adalberto...

The painting >>> represents a...

A correlation or causal connection...

To connect (points), as with a straight line...

The standard, most basic way of asking ā€œHow are you?ā€ in Spanish is ā€œĀæCĆ³mo estĆ”s?ā€

The duo is composed of real-life...

The duo started teaming together as...

Another word for duet...

Two people or two things in close association...

That's what friends are 4...

Wrestling VS. Entertainment = I was going out for absolutely everything that was in Backstage.

Act 23 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = Creativity is a habit, and the best creativity is the result of good work habits.

A general or descriptive heading, as of a book chapter.

The ninth letter of the modern English alphabet - The third letter of the modern English alphabet.

The pairing of two people or things, as for athletic competition...

Having an interest...

Good is an American professional wrestler...

2 come upon or meet casually...

Behind the proscenium in a theater, esp. in the wings or dressing rooms...

Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative...

To go on with a particular...

Intercontinental Champion in his first reign...

Wrestling VS. Entertainment = Not only do I think being nice and kind is easy but being kind, in my opinion, is important.

Act 22 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = One of the most telling things about a person is how they say hello, handshakes.

Actor, director, screenwriter... A (longtime fan) of Shakespeare, he made his directorial debut with... L4R... ;-)

Reaching as far as...

- refers to the speaker or writer -

You use from to say...

A calling or greeting of "hello." ;-)

The right or chance to >>> speak...

If it is your desire or pleasure; if you please...

- undertakes to build full scale scenery suitable for viewing by camera -

A motion-picture theater...

The presentation of such a work...

Talking about the future...

Wrestling VS. Entertainment = The way I look at it, they're all part of my musical diary, and I can listen to any one of them and it will bring up memories of what was going on at that time.

Act 21 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = Several sentences that begin, "A Diary of..."

Anything that arouses curiosity...

A word or group of words used to describe...

An instrument for writing or drawing...

A usually daily written record of personal experiences and observations; a journal.

Affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed...

A decorative cushion...

Having the shape of a rectangle...

A large rectangular piece of cotton, linen, etc, generally one of a pair used as inner bedclothes...

A line or mark made by folding...

A piece of furniture for reclining and sleeping, typically consisting of a flat, rectangular frame and a mattress...

A time at which one goes to sleep...

Having more than one possible meaning...

A jump in figure skating that is initiated from the outer forward edge of one skate...

A short, usually descriptive literary sketch.

Wrestling VS. Entertainment = The only thing better than singing is more singing.

Act 20 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = There's no half-singing in the shower, you're either a rock star or an opera diva.

A kind of bath in which a person stands upright... (hihihihihi)

So as to score, as by crossing home plate in baseball...

To treat or cover with or as if with soap...

At a place where there is...

A melody, especially a simple and easily remembered 1...

1 that enjoys special favor or regard...

To utter a series of words or sounds in musical tones...

A drink consisting of an infusion of the roasted and ground or crushed seeds of the coffee tree...

To use the sense of smell...

Not yet used or soiled; clean...

- that you ā€‹press after it has ā€‹woken you up, so that you can ā€‹sleep for a few ā€‹minutes -

An instrument other than a watch for measuring or indicating time...

A sequence of continuous action in a play, movie, opera, or book...

"a player of a ball game"

Music the numeral (2) used as the lower figure in a time signature...

One of the four natural divisions of the year...

Wrestling VS. Entertainment = I am a ball player in the summer and a farmer in the winter time, and I aim to be a success at both professions.

Act 19 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = I have a studio in a barn at home - we rehearse there, we film there and we record there. It's fun to hang out with my guys and see what comes out nXt.

- Barn of a country house -

A large farm outbuilding, used chiefly for storing hay, grain...

A specific activity performed to develop or maintain fitness or a skill...

A short, usually descriptive literary sketch.

A person who operates a farm or cultivates land.

The science or occupation of cultivating land...

Any environment nurturing growth or development...

The seed-bearing stage of a plant...

The essential part or element; the basic...

An original type, form, or instance serving as a basis...

A manufacturer of distributed mode...

Wrestling VS. Entertainment = {Images for high five}

Act 18 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = The happiest conversation is that of which nothing is distinctly remembered, but a general effect of pleasing impression.

To arrive at or attain --- A celebratory or mutually congratulatory gesture between two persons...

A piece of furniture designed to accommodate one sitting or...

Something perceptible by one or more of the senses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing...

A center of interest or activity...

The equipment used to convert the optical image of a scene into...

At that stage, moment, or point...

An identifying name given to a book, play, film, musical composition, or other work.

The system or process of producing on a distant screen a series of transient visible images...

Universal Wrestling Corporation...

Former times...

The - eBay- homepage...

The act or an instance of buying...

Antonio Cesaro, ring name...

The exchange of thoughts and feelings by means of speech...

Nicholas Theodore - To come to a certain place during...

A small speaker that is worn over or in the ear, often as one of a pair connected...

To tune in and --- listen to...

An expert or specialist in mathematics - Ces...

Something seen by a viewer...

Freedom VS. Expression = Only silence {perfects} silence.

Act 17 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = No, I will be the pattern of all patience; I will say nothing.

A cosmetic for coloring the lips, usually in the form of a stick...

A small stick of waxy...

The surface of a room on which one stands...

The built-up portion of a shoe or boot, supporting the heel...

To enclose in a frame: frame a painting...

Something resembling a wall in appearance...

A sofa whose seat unfolds...

The fabric used for this floor covering...

A means of approach or access...

A space that is or may be occupied...

Images of external objects, received through an aperture, as with a convex lens, are exhibited in their natural colors...

Freedom VS. Expression = You draw on whatever's relevant to the part you're playing; it makes it more personal.

Act 16 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = I get so many big ideas while I'm running and such clarity while I'm lifting weights. And staying fit keeps me happy and positive.

In a state of completion or preparedness...

Clothes or >>> apparel, esp.

Regularly or customarily used...

Not accompanied by; in the absence of...

A weight consisting of a short bar with a metal ball or disk at each end that is lifted for muscular development and exercise.

To direct or carry from a lower to a higher position...

A room containing lockers, as in a gymnasium...

In or toward the area behind the performing space in a theater.

Ring name - Characterized by duplicity - The 18th letter of the modern English alphabet.

The space immediately next to someone.

Different from that or those implied or specified.

The place in which the action of a play, movie, novel, or other narrative occurs; a setting.

Freedom VS. Expression = Any item in your wardrobe should satisfy one of two criteria: utility and joy.

Act 15 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.

- as it is one of the original four -

Coming next after the twenty-fourth in position...

A raised platform on which theatrical performances are presented.

To connect or set in position and prepare for use...

A single article or unit in a collection, enumeration, or series.

Bring back to the point of departure...

A place in which >>> historical materials...

A building, or a part of one, for the storage of goods...

Freedom VS. Expression = Love is the greatest refreshment in life.

Act 14 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = All you need is love.

A feeling of kindness - A score of zero, as in tennis.

The most important or essential part...

In a state of harmony or friendship...

An act or gesture used to convey an idea, a desire...

The part of a glove...

Something suggesting the shape...

A style or individual sample...

A victor in sports...

A conversation, such as one conducted by a...

A goal post - A single instance of such an activity.

The largest mixed martial arts promotion company in the world featuring...

Freedom VS. Expression = I like making little videos and little records. I've always loved video cameras and four-track cassette recorders, still cameras, anything.

Act 13 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = Once you free your mind about a concept of music and harmony being correct, you can do whatever you want.

The day of the week that comes after Sunday and before Tuesday...

A formal introduction...

A sequence of images processed electronically into an analog or digital format and displayed on a screen...

A particular category or kind of music...

- providing fun; amusing; comical -

A proposal, scheme, or design...

The period of light between dawn and nightfall...

- fresh and unused; not second-hand -

Brightness from reflected light...

To ascend above the horizon...

Freedom VS. Expression = There is never just one thing that leads to success for anyone. I feel it always a combination of passion, dedication, hard work, and being in the right place at the right time.

Act 12 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = Tactics, fitness, stroke ability, adaptability, experience, and sportsmanship are all necessary for winning.

The quantity or expression obtained by calculation...

A quality of imagination and individuality expre{s}sed in one's actions and tastes...

& A & marked innate ability, as for artistic accomplishment...

Mathematics >>> Increased by the addition of...

The cardinal number equal to 2 + 1.

To be equal to, especially in...

A return to formerly...

The act, process, or result of adding...

Natural ability; talent; aptitude...

A large stack or pile of hay, straw, corn, or the like, in a field...

A visible image, especially one on a flat surface or screen...

Pleasing and agreeable in nature...

A bicycle kick, also known as an overhead kick or scissors kick...

Freedom VS. Expression = I orchestrate my mornings to the tune of coffee.

Act 11 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = DĆ©jĆ  Brew: The feeling that you've had this coffee before.

The 20th letter of the modern English alphabet / The 19th letter of the modern English alphabet.

A dense inert bright yellow element that is the most malleable and ductile metal...

A written symbol or character representing a speech sound and being a component of an alphabet.

The cardinal number equal to the sum of 1 + 1.

The part or area farthest from the front.

A short coat, in any of various forms, usu. opening down the front.

Served without milk or cream.

2 shape like a cup...

An establishment or room having such a counter.

The image on a television screen.

- anticipating that which may come to be -

Del verbo teƱir: (conjugar) - tiƱo - es...

Freedom VS. Expression = There's no night without stars.

Act 10 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = The Cesaro Section / FaN NiGhT / [FaN oF tHe NiGhT] >>>

A surface or device on which an image, such as a movie, is displayed for viewing.

A letter, number, or symbol placed at the bottom...

A sign used to indicate --- key...

Draw a box around...

A plane figure having four equal sides.

A movie or television shot in which some part of the subject, as the head of an actor, fills the entire frame.

Within the field of view of a movie camera.

The period between evening and bedtime.

With reference to; about - of...

An ardent devotee; an enthusiast.

- so as to show a section -

The Free Dictionary: Antonio Cesaro, ring name of professional wrestler Claudio Castagnoli.

The act or process of thinking...

A Little Thing Called...

Freedom VS. Expression = There is incredible power in the arts to inspire and influence.

Act 09 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = Photography is like a moment, an instant. You need a half-second to get the photo. So it's good to capture people when they are themselves.

- elbow into anywhere -

1 of the moves Shane used to perfection... (MMCM)

A movement or action...

A sport in which two opponents... W

Being connected; associated...

Performance of an act...

A visual representation of a person, object, or scene...

>>> is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service.

The character first appeared in the last panel of The Incredible Hulk #180, with his first full appearance in #181 (cover-dated Nov. 1974).

He has appeared in most X-Men adaptations...

A handshake and saying ā€œhelloā€ are common salutations.

An expression of greeting...

Freedom VS. Expression = I look my best when I take my helmet off after a long motorcycle ride. I have a glow and a bit of helmet hair.

Act 08 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = A motorcycle is an independent thing.

A cool place, part, or time... ;-)

2 affect with great wonder; astonish - The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous - The ground or scenery located behind something...

An Italian company that designs and manufactures motorcycles...

2 reach a destination - A motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame...

Of considerable distinction - A woman who is an actor...

Baller is available...

A subdivision of an act - The scenery and properties...

Distinct or separate - A tone of definite pitch.

A sense of principled uprightness - A code of integrity, dignity, and pride.

Follow - (Placename) Maine - Little Bird.

A widely acclaimed - Sport of wrestling.

Immediately following, as in time, order...

User-friendly - 2 put up as a...

Freedom VS. Expression = I am a sucker for those old traditional places, and Rome is as good as it gets, particularly when you throw in Italian food.

Act (007) + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = In Italy, there are so many significant architectural structures in history such as the Pantheon in Rome, or the Duomo.

A dictum; a saying...

2 repeat a brief passage...

2 mark for a special honor or title...

An ancient amphitheater in >>>

Used to refer to the one or ones being addressed...

A photograph or film or television shot taken at close range...

A very popular photo and short video sharing service for mobile devices...

Initial release: January 29, 2010 / Director: Mark Steven Johnson

Something that you say which means when you are visiting another country...

In mathematics, the >>> means (also called >>> averages) of a sequence (an) are the terms of the sequence (cn)...

If something is fun, it is pleasant, enjoyable... A domani...

The imaginary world has always been the most...

Freedom VS. Expression = Only the gentle are ever really strong.

Act 06 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = My fans like the rebel in me.

English diplomat and >>> poet noted for introducing the sonnet form... >>> ThE BuZ.z

A >>> visual representation of something...

At, in, or to a >>> place not specified or known...

The integeRs Are RepResented by the following letteRs...

As opposed to; in contrast with...

A person known well to another...

A person or thing that forms or shapes...

A game or contest in which two...

A number of games played by...

A point marking the end of one period of time and the beginning of the next...

A key or scale in which A...

A key, string, or pipe producing this note...

A number of sheets of paper of the same size...

A broad, thin, usually rectangular mass or piece of material, such as paper...

A sketch, plan, or outline...

Freedom VS. Expression = I know roughly when I skate a good program where the score should end up.

Act 05 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = I have a unique ability to predict the flight of the ball, and my teammates have a unique ability to find me.

A person portrayed in an artistic piece...

A kit for building >>> with Lego bricks.

Being the later or latest in a sequence...

Outside the possibilities defined by natural...

Capable of extraordinary mental processes...

A systematically arranged and comprehensive collection of...

An encounter between opposing...

A special command...

1 that is united or associated with another...

Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter D.

Classical myth a hero noted for his great strength, courage...

A recorded sequence of film or video images displayed on a screen with sufficient rapidity as to create the illusion of motion and continuity.

Having existed in a time before the present...

A notebook containing diagrammed football plays...

Freedom VS. Expression = My first influences were superhero artists.

Act 04 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = I don't do a comic book thinking there is a movie. I just want it to be as good a comic book as it can be.

Abbr. v. or vs. - An increase in the average...

The physical aspect of a person...

2 contain or encompass as part of a whole...

The (4) spheres show how the four main components of...

To make or create by putting together parts or elements...

Used to refer to a person whose gender is unspecified or unknown...

A fictional figure having superhuman powers or greatly enhanced abilities...

- of a kind never before existing -

To produce through artistic or imaginative effort...

- born under or characteristic of - Leo -

A message or communication sent by telegraph...

To gather in a huddle...

Freedom VS. Expression = The soprano turned out to sound to me like the right hand on the piano.

Act 03 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = Music is the expression of the movement of the waters, the play of curves described by changing breezes.

Inner contentment; serenity...

To bring to a required or desired state...

- on every occasion -

[I] have a large collection of gestures they use while speaking (or in many cases instead of speaking).

The gestures convey subtle differences in meaning...

To exchange thoughts or opinions in spoken or...

RƓle jouƩ par un acteur...

- someone who is really good at a ball game -

Something shaped like the letter D.

Freedom VS. Expression = The time a movie is made is unique, not only from the talent that is available but if the public was ready for it.

Act 02 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = History opens up new worlds to film-makers all the time.

Production, Scene, Take, Director, Camera, Date...

A discrete item than can be selected and maneuvered...

- commonly or generally known or seen -

The act or fact of possessing...

Mega City 4 / Former guitarist and vocalist for indie / W... Mi...

(Film) the person responsible for the artistic and technical aspects of making...

A person who directs or manages...

A person portrayed in an artistic piece...

At a future point...

FrEeDoM vS. eXpReSsIoN = What could be better than walking down any street in any city and knowing you're the heavyweight champion of the world?

Act 01 + Scene 11 + Year 2015 = The future of... is here, and it is on... ALL - NEW episodes air... + (CuRrEnT ChAmPiOn)

The smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number - 1

A member of the set of positive integers...

- as champion of -

Belonging to the present time...

2 put or set into, between, or among...

The 24th in a series - The 20th in a series.

A formal - summary - or analysis of data, often in the form of a graph...

2 insert during the course...

The act of twittering...

A recipe 4 - 2 add two cups of -