
Showing posts from January, 2016

It's Sunday! Peace & Love my friends!

Often taking place away from a...

The performance of a play in...

A kit for building -- a manufacturer of...

The act of inviting, such as an offer...

Suggestive of gold, as in richness or splendor...

Relating to or taking place in the past...

- according to rules requiring the use of boxing gloves -

syn: woman, lady...

A formal written account of related...

To have as a meaning... ;-) Letters {represent} the sounds... ;-)

The part or area farthest from the front.

A symbol or design that identifies a brand.

Large and strong like a...

- a short coat, in any of various forms, usu. opening down the front -

- it was considered great sport 2 -

- brand known for its apparel, shoes & accessories designed for sports & fitness -

Having qualities that delight or appeal to the senses and often the mind.

2 manufacture or create...

Something shaped like the letter D.

{29-01-2016} Affinity or correspondence in qualities or characteristics...

{29-01-2016} The shape and structure of an object...

{29-01-2016} & Three-sided tropical American nut with white oily meat and hard brown shell...

{29-01-2016} Type genus of the Argentinidae: argentines...

{29-01-2016} Western Hemisphere southeast of North...

{29-01-2016} The land of a person's...

{29-01-2016} A marked innate ability, as for artistic accomplishment...

{29-01-2016} Exploring in order to gain...

{29-01-2016} A manufacturer of distributed mode...

Produced annually in mid-late March or early April...

A paper slip or card indicating that its holder has... (S)

- any tour, journey, or voyage -

Constituting, being, or representing the total extent or the whole...

To achieve or obtain by...

A trademark for a certification indicating that a recording...

One of a set or pack bearing significant...

Distinct among others of a kind...

Being a single entity, unit, object...

2 place as part of a category...

An occasion on which a winner is selected from...

A complete set of related items...

A flat, usually rectangular piece of stiff paper, cardboard, or plastic, especially...

To trade something in for something else...

Clear and true: a pure tone in music... ;-)

A pure style of piano playing...

The forces and processes that produce...

The basic or most important part...

A coin or note that is worth...

The cardinal number equal to 6 + 1.

A phrase expressing the aims or nature of an enterprise, organization...

2 produce or create with the imagination...

The best part, moment... ;-)

2 cause to continue; maintain... ;-)

- if you please if you will -

A sight that amazes...

A surface measure equal to 100 square meters...

A short message posted...

- made or done by you -

- nickname for Joseph -

A heavy long-handled... ;-)

A portable container for holding...

A short coat usually extending to the hips.

A strong, twilled cotton, traditionally used in making uniforms and work clothes.

The act or an instance of entering.

- melody, harmony, rhythm -

Involving, relating to, or reminiscent of an earlier time; retrospective...

One that wins first place or first prize in a competition.

A beneficial factor or combination of factors... ;-)))

- make work or employ for a particular purpose -

- loose-fitting or tight, worn for sports -

A discrete item than can be selected...

The activity of keeping something...

The privilege or right of entering...

- being a person, thing, or individual -

Showing promise >>> You use soon to say...

They live in a remote rural area in the WeSt...

Michael a very cool...

A word or words by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others.

Land next to the sea; the seashore...

The direction along a parallel towards the sunset, at 270Ā° clockwise...

Used to indicate a specified place or time as a starting point...

- anything that takes first place in competition -

A sport in which two competitors attempt to...

The character represented by...

There are no other definitions for nXt...

The day following today - ;-)))

To move on the initial part of...

The trophy awarded for this championship...

The cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-four and one.

A course or path...

A line, mark, smear, or band differentiated by color or texture from its surroundings.

Of or relating to the act of winning...

One more; an additional...

To have faith, confidence, or trust...

Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer.

A rural village that has a market...

Within the limits, bounds, or area of...

- a person whose occupation is to cut and dress the hair, esp. of male customers -

- Having been made or come into being -

- and used to identify messages on a specific topic -

A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners... ;-)

A sequence of words capable of standing alone...

Optimistic or constructive...

A lightweight simple garment for the upper body, usually short-sleeved...

- of, belonging to, or associated with you -

2 >>> display in one's >>> appearance...

Inclusive of; >>> including...

The act of flexing --- 2 assume or hold a particular position or posture...

A close-fitting thin cap with a deep peak...

A convex lens used to focus the sun's...

An image, especially a positive print...

A website where people can post short messages...

The day of the week that comes after Friday...

The process of translating words...

The quality in a work of narrative art, such as a novel or film, that causes the audience to experience pleasurable excitement and anticipation... ;-)

2 continue having or holding...

1 that looks like another...

A single person or thing; a unit - 1.

Composed of or relating to things that occupy space and can be perceived by the senses...

- the act or an instance of appearing -

The beginning; the outset...

- specially made or used for -

A clever or dexterous feat intended to entertain...

The 23rd letter of the modern English alphabet... ;-)

- to be like or similar to -

A stringed instrument usually having six strings...

The quality or condition of a person's singing...

- of, belonging to, or associated in some way -

To contain or take in as a part...

- the 15th in order or in a series -

Inclined to seek out or enjoy the company...

A piece of music, usually employing a verbal text, composed...

A subject of artistic representation.

In the most recent form...

The act or an instance of... ;-)

A unit of time equal to one sixtieth of an hour, or 60 seconds.

The first letter of the...

To remain or rest in expectation...

Refers to the speaker or writer...

In a direction toward so as to reach...

Being the very one; identical...

An element in a set.

One who has only recently arrived...

The light chirping sound made by certain...

Such icons considered collectively...

2 cause to be conveyed by an intermediary to a destination...

- friendly or sociable, as persons or the disposition - (s)

Activity directed toward making or doing...

Coming next in time or order...

- provide someone with a clue -

- a piece of music, usually employing a verbal text -

- inspiring awe or admiration -

- designed to perform a range of useful tasks -

You use your...

- an act or instance of downloading -

Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer.

If you describe something such as a desire or force as... ;-)

A brief composition written or adapted for singing.

- names and sometimes for emphasis -

- one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first -

Something regarded as having great value or goodness...

- a manufacturer of distributed mode -

A contest in a sports competition, such as a meet...

Used in or appropriate for sports...

An identifying name given to a book, play, film, musical composition, or other work.

Immediately following, as in time, order, or sequence...

(15012016) - either side of an equation -

(15012016) - a kit for building >>> with Lego bricks -

(15012016) - Two is the smallest and the first prime number -

(15012016) - produced every January by -

(15012016) - The cardinal number equal to 7 + 1 -

(15012016) - Forming or occurring at the end; last -

(15012016) - A response to a stimulus -

(15012016) - inspiring awe or admiration or wonder -

Characterized by a spontaneous... ;-)))

A motion of the hands, head, or body to emphasize an idea or emotion...

Any of the rotating pointers used as...

A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners...

Such a floor converted into an apartment or artist's studio.

The room, building, or facilities used by...

With everything considered; in all...

The movement of such a mechanism between successive locking positions...

A visible image, especially one on a flat surface or screen...

& at certain sudden halts in the music hold seductive poses... ;-))))

The music for this dance...

An element in a set...

Just found, discovered, or learned...

The 15th letter of the modern English alphabet.

Inclined to seek out or enjoy the company of others...

A lightweight simple garment for the upper body, usually short-sleeved...

Currently fashionable...

A distinctive category; a particular kind...

2 present something as a gift 2...

There is always the chance... ;-))))

A group on the same side, as in a game.

A game played on ice between two teams...

To be capable of purchasing...

A percentage or portion - LOL - ;-))))

The cardinal number equal to 5 Ɨ 10.

- to be entitled to or worthy of; merit -

Used to refer to the one or ones being addressed...

To take place; happen - LOL

A member of the set of positive integers...

To employ the imagination...

Used as a form of familiar address...

A brand of watches owned by - ;-)))

- A commercial organization that pays all or part of the cost of putting on a concert, sporting event, etc -

Both see and (watch) are used when you are talking about entertainment or sport.

- Having been made or come into being -

- Having a signature affixed -

- has apparently been -

From a particular thing or place...

A unit of time equal to one sixtieth of an hour, or 60 seconds.

A playing card marked with nine...

A person's own signature, especially considered as a collectors' item. ;--)

To affix one's signature 2...

To cause to feel wonder, astonishment...

We made a stop in...

- a game played on ice between two teams -

To occupy oneself in an activity...

100-yard-long field with goal lines...

Allowing one to pass...

- the act of playing -

One of the young of...

The surface of a road...

A course or path...

- To perceive with... -

- "if the rain holds out, we..." -

______ on Sunday is the debut studio album by American hip hop artist " ______________ "

A kit for building robots with Lego bricks...

One that carries messages or performs...

To play the part of; assume...

The act or an instance of riding...

A logo is a graphic mark or emblem...

A company can be defined...

A helmet is a form of...

A jacket is a hip- or waist-length garment...

- is an Italian company that designs and manufactures motorcycles -

A small, lightweight motorcycle...

Nickname(s): Mother City, Tavern of the Seas...

In philosophy, ideas are usually construed...

Showtimes for Star Wars: " ________ _________ ___________ "

- having the shape of a sphere or ball -

Something that serves to guide or direct...

I went back to my hometown and visited some old friends...

An experiencing of the emotion expressed by laughing... ;O)

A unit of time equal to one sixtieth of an hour, or 60 seconds.

The cardinal number equal to 4 + 1.

Approximately; nearly...

A spoken or written reply, as to a question. lol

- with rapid movements - lol

To act or speak on a matter without... ;-)

- began his career by winning several amateur comedy competitions at... -

- versus ā†’ vs. -

- causing amusement or laughter; humorous; comical -

A website where people can post short messages about...

- within the industry as "real" or "true" -

Something shaped like the letter D.

You use nation to refer 2 --- ;-)

- used after words or phrases expressing quantities -

An association of teams or clubs that compete...

In the company of; accompanying...

A photograph that one takes of oneself...

2 catch or receive...

A theatrical or other entertainment...

A facility, such as a theater or restaurant, that provides entertainment...

A paper slip or card indicating that its holder has paid...

To be capable of purchasing...

The second in a series.

Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter m.

The cardinal number equal to 2 + 1.

- having been at a previous time -

Something that should remain ---- ;O)

Containing little noise, but --- ;-)

The state of little sound --- ;-)

A website where people can post short messages about their current activities...

A representation of an object or structure seen from the side...

Situated below the surrounding surfaces...

A vehicle, such as a streetcar...

A system of signals used to represent...

An implement used in some games to drive a ball...

Well as a good friend(S)...

Belonging to the same...

The concept of holidays...

To, at, or within a short distance...

Occurring or done at the end of the year...

Of, relating to, or in accord with tradition...

[The entertainment offered by a theater] [A statement or list of particulars, such as]

Being or representing the entire or total number, amount, or quantity...

The act or process of making or becoming clear.

The living spaces and possessions belonging to such...

To contribute to the effectiveness or improvement of...

To select from a number of possible...

A specific use to which something is put...

To cause to be conveyed by an intermediary to a destination...

A person or thing regarded as suitable or likely for a particular...

Any of various calendrical units based on the time...

Throughout the course or duration of...

An amount of...

The cardinal number equal to 6 + 1.

The cardinal number equal to 3 + 1.

Something, such as a thought or conception...

A tract of land covered with {S}and{ } { }, as a beach or desert.

The chant of the >>>

A result of an initial >>> A monotonous rhythmic call or shout...

A contestant that you are matched against...

- one, some, or several -

2 demand or ask for a m...

A manufacturer of distributed mode...

A rectangular arena set off by stakes and ropes in which...

- and pay a visit to someone or something -

2 go to see someone or something...

Where he performs under the ring name >>> the nineteenth letter of the alphabet.

[S] >>> a phenomenally strong man...

A symbol for such a tone, indicating pitch by its position...

A small square of sticky paper on which notes can be written...

MaY tHe StArS bE wItH yOu oN tHiS bEaUtIfUl SuNdAy!!!

2 picture in the mind; envision...

THE is a three-letter acronym that may refer 2...

A name is a word or term...

A manufacturer of distributed mode...

A team of (two) or more...

Never used or worn before now...

Something having two parts...

- full value for the - ;-)

- be equivalent or parallel, in mathematics -

Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter m.

The pitcher who threw the...

The 22nd letter of the modern English alphabet.

- provide someone with a clue -

2 ask for the presence or participation of...

1 who receives or entertains guests...

- in an inverted fashion -

Something shaped like the letter M... [W]

The immediate rebroadcast...

To refer to or look...

The unfermented or fermenting juice expressed from fruit, especially grapes...

At a point or an...

HaPpY nEw YeAr!!! - ThAnK yOu So MuCh!!! - BoYs & GiRLs!!!

Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter d...

- year starting on Friday -

One that wins, especially a victor...

A large room, such as a drawing room, used for receiving and entertaining guests.

A specific point in time, especially...

The act or an instance of remembering...

A person known well to another and regarded with liking, affection...

Surpassing all others in excellence...

A general or descriptive heading, as of a book chapter.

A team of two or more wrestlers...

A material similar to thick, stiff paper, that is made of pressed paper...

The early stage in the existence ...

The central or innermost part...

A sport in which two competitors attempt...

A strong feeling of affection...

The basis or motive 4...

A series of names, words, or other items written...

Being a single thing...

A member of the set of positive integers...