
Showing posts from February, 2016

A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere... ;-)

The fifth sign of the z...

2 make a gift or award of...

2 cause to be conveyed by an intermediary to a destination...

Armor made of such pieces...

A trademark for an award presented by the A...

An identifying name given to a book, play, film, musical composition, or other work.

2 put together or make by combining various elements...

(28-02-2016) The physical structure within which one lives, such as a house or apartment.

(28-02-2016) The composite of characteristics that make up an individual personality; the self.

(28-02-2016) 2 bring or transport to the proper place or recipient...

(28-02-2016) 2 provide with a ticket for passage or admission...

(28-02-2016) A card that can be relied on to win a...

A motion of the {hands} --- ;-)

A playing card with this figure...

2 remain or rest in expectation...

2 cause to continue; maintain or retain...

If you please if you will or wish...

A very popular photo and short video sharing service...

Something, such as a thought or conception, that is the product of mental activity.

Exceptionally good of its kind...

An example of c is the letter with which the word "central" begins.

The number 100 in Roman numerals.

The favorable quality of strongly indicating... ;-)

Something viewed as or providing...

An account or recital...

An anecdote...

- the embodiment of >>> unique characteristics -

- pass from one place, person, or thing to another -

Of or relating to positivism.

- court mƩtrage -

To collect from different places; assemble...

A park or stadium in which ball games are played.

A period of fruition, fulfillment, happiness, or beauty.

A trip with visits to various places of interest...

The cardinal number equal to 6 + 1.

(25- 02 -2016) Usual or replayed at a slower rate than usual...

(25-02 -2016) The shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly.

(25 - 02 - 2016) To sprinkle or cover with or as if with sand...

(25 - 02 - 2016) The act or an instance of sprinting...

(25 - 02 - 2016) The 26th letter of the modern English alphabet.

(25-02 -2016) Together with or along with...

(25-02 -2016) Used to refer to the one or ones being addressed...

(25-02 -2016) To cover with or as if with a >>> film. lol!

(25-02 -2016) Appropriate as the subject...

(25-02 -2016) An act of twittering...

- the qualities characteristic of a - ;-)

- S... that relays -

- a manned artificial -

- something that connects -

- by way of; by means of; through -

A room in a private residence intended for general social and leisure activities.

- used to indicate the original location -

A conversation, such as one conducted by...

- the team that rows a racing shell -

- in due course -

- A creative source; an origin - ;-)

- the people of a house collectively - ;-)

Commonly known; familiar...

- a playing card bearing a picture of a -

- refers to a female person -

A return to formerly...

- To establish or demonstrate a connection between -

- to post a short message -

- engaging or exciting and holding the attention or curiosity -

- used to refer to an additional -

- characteristic of, or suitable to conversation in a locker room - ;0)

A room furnished with lockers... ;-)

A separate part of a serialized work, such as a novel or television series.

(Be)ing ten more than one hundred ninety...

The act of expressing joy or acknowledgment, as for the achievement or good fortune of another.

A sweet baked food made of flour, liquid, eggs, and other ingredients, such as raising agents and flavorings...

A baked pie of Italian origin consisting of a shallow bread-like crust covered with toppings...

To cause to be conveyed by an intermediary to a destination...

In 1982, which was a box-office... ? --- It's Sunday --- Peace & Love --- ;-)

- unravel a mystery -

- in mid-late March or early April by WWE -

An object such as a silver or gold cup that is symbolic of victory in a contest...

- superhuman size and strength -

To give (the ball) directly to a teammate...

A person whose profession is acting on the stage.

- whose job is to entertain others -

Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy... ;-)

- Every person; everyone -

Having been carried out or >>> accomplished...

A snowplow works by using a blade to push snow to the side or straight ahead...

- F______ Trucks... -

To give assistance to...

The amount that a shovel can hold...

Being past middle age and approaching...

- An atmospheric disturbance -

- Frozen precipitation consisting of hexagonally symmetrical ice crystals -

- is the coldest season of the year -

- and television to sell a product -

- multinational automaker -

The action of showing film or playing back video more slowly than it was made... :-)

- reduce one's speed or the speed -

The game of jumping over a jump rope...

The process or routine of one who...

The state or process of acting or doing...

A building or indoor area for parking or storing motor vehicles.

A building that is subordinate to and separate from a main building...

The place in which the action of a play...

App is an abbreviated form of the word...

"Oh Yeah, he's definately a Ja..."

What is the origin of the name...

- (of) a bright, darkish blue - azul marino - ;-)

- struggle tenaciously to achieve -

A legendary humanlike being of great stature.

- In American the meaning of the name Andre is: Masculine; manly; brave -

To contribute to the progress or growth...

The light chirping sound made by...

An exchange of ideas...

- allowing a continuous exchange -

To have as an initial part...

Any of the celestial bodies visible at night...

A particular way of thinking about or looking at something - ;-)

This is a wonderful 6 inch world globe by Hammond.

- a sphere on which is depicted -

- carried in or worn on the hand -

The act or a means of grasping.

Used to refer to the one or ones being addressed.

A part or subdivision of a piece of writing, book, etc

An image or likeness of something.

The ground or scenery located behind something.

The light chirping sound made by certain...

A combining form meaning ā€œlightā€ (photo-biology); also used to represent...

The _________ sum is defined as the limit of the arithmetic mean of the partial sums...

- a facial expression marked by an upward - ;-)

- after all others in chronology or sequence -

- regularly performed in a set... -

- a conventional social... -

- the passing down of elements of a culture -

- of a distinct or particular kind -

- a picture produced by -

- in the central Pacific on the... -

- is defined as a fellow countryman -

- alternate phases that complete - ;-)

The indefinite time yet to come...

To contribute to the effectiveness...

- 2 be the cause of; bring about; be the reason 4 -

- enthusiastic about some specified activity -

More images 4 WRESTLING BOOTS...

A sport in which two competitors attempt 2...

- "it looks like new" -

The bidding in bridge or other games...

A waterside facility that has docks, moorings, supplies... ;-)

The sand or pebbles on a shore...

- esp with the Florida land -

The entertainment offered by...

The shoes are so named for the sound...

Fabric made to resemble suede.

A set of matching outer garments, especially one consisting...

The achromatic color of maximum lightness; the color of objects...

Of or relating to the languages that developed from Latin...

A manufacturer of distributed...

A short, usually descriptive literary sketch.

- features a lot of sand, sun and bikinis - ;-)

The place in which the action of a play, movie...

To put forward for consideration; propose...

? (something that one might do, accept, buy, etc.) ?

Social courtesies offered to guests...

Something shaped like the letter D.

A sentimental or humorous greeting card sent...

Home of Baileys Original...

The Collection of Biscotti, Hazelnut, Coffee...

= When the spectators want to show appreciation for the match = ;-)

= Origin suggest that the ? first started appearing at North American sporting events during the late 1970s and early 1980s =

= To participate in =

= An ardent devotee; an enthusiast = (s)

= In a condition or position of being =

= The counting backward aloud from =

= To gather together in =

= Seen or able to be seen =

= amazement, as at something =

= A surface or device on which an image, such as a movie, is displayed for viewing =

= A manufacturer of distributed mode =

= The totality of characteristics =

= To have a pleasurable or satisfactory time =

= is quite a curiosity =

{The smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number} ;-)

{This is really {S} movie as he slugs his way through a h...}

{The text of a play, broadcast, or movie}

{Belonging to or occurring in an earlier time}

{A visual representation or image}

{A position usually taken by the center close to the basket or below the foul line}

{To utter or say with a twitter}

{The 19th letter of the English alphabet, a consonant x 2}

{The 15th letter and 4th vowel of the modern English alphabet} ;o)

{Inclined to seek out or enjoy the company of others}

One that belongs to a...

Equivalent to the product of two and two; one more than three, or six less than ten; 4.

Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter a.

Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter q.

The peak viewing time on...

A raised platform on which theatrical performances are presented...

(09 -02 - 2016) Abbreviation for (Wrestling) W... ;-)

(09-02-2016) A subject of artistic representation...

(09-02-2016) A version, esp. of something presented to the public...

(09-02-2016) Arranged for a particular occasion...

(09-02-2016) To restore to proper condition...

(09-02-2016) A television program...

(09-02-2016) Belonging to or associated with the person...

(09-02-2016) The day of the week before Sunday...

(09 - 02 - 2016) The process of translating words...

Denoting or relating to a key that has notes in common... ;0)

A game played on a rectangular field with net goals...

- production to create a >>> set for a theatrical -

D... Robert Joseph...

Something serving as a >>> model...

A person trained to compete in sports...

To ask for the presence or participation of...

- clip, section, segment, part, sequence -

(07-02-2016) I carry this >>> coin in my pocket all the time as a >>> charm. ;-)

(07-02-2016) An example of this type of...

(07-02-2016) A spoken or written reply, as to a question...

(07-02-2016) Used to refer to the one or ones being addressed...

(07-02-2016) To seek an answer to...

(07-02-2016) Refers to things personified as feminine...

(07-02-2016) To halt the motion or progress...

(07-02-2016) Of, relating to, or characteristic of artistic romance...

(07-02-2016) A piece of furniture typically having a flat or sloping...

(07-02-2016) A space that is or may be occupied...

(07-02-2016) A building used as a home...

(07-02-2016) A sequence of continuous action in a play, movie...

(07-02-2016) Used as a friendly greeting...

The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes... ;)p

An indefinitely large number...

Of the same kind or quality...

- constituent part; include -

A portable, often flat case with a handle, used for carrying papers or books.

The distinctness or clarity of an image...

The loose, granular, gritty particles...

The shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly.

- walking distance -

1 who participates in physical exercise or sports...

The cardinal number equal to 2 + 1.

Within the field of view of a movie camera...

The place in which the action of a play...

1 like the first...

(05-02-2016) Displaying personal dependability... ;0)

(05-02-2016) The past participle of write...

(05-02-2016) A member of the set of positive integers; one of a series...

(05-02-2016) The inner surface of the hand that extends from the...

(05-02-2016) A small square of sticky paper on which notes can be written...

(05-02-2016) A quantity that is caught...

(05-02-2016) The grasping of hands by two people, as in greeting or leave-taking...

(05-02-2016) Movie constituting a unit of continuous related action...

(05-02-2016) First-person singular present of ballern...

More useful, suitable, or desirable... ;o)

Moreover; furthermore...

- contraction of I am -

- refers to the speaker or writer -

- the personality of the speaker or writer or something that expresses it -

Making or given to making amusing...

A phrase that has become a catchword...

To take in and hold...

A person portrayed in an artistic piece...

A manufacturer of distributed...

The cardinal compass point that is at 0 or 360 degrees... ;-)

The first letter of the modern English alphabet.

w's or W's also ws or Ws...

Used to refer to that one previously mentioned...

Used to indicate position above...

A written symbol or character representing a speech sound and being a component of an alphabet.

The cardinal number equal to 2 + 1.

A short-sleeved, pullover shirt with no collar...

Additional; further...

That aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of the light...

- a kit for building -

Made out of the same components... ;-)

Intended for convivial activities...

To that extent; by that much. Used before a comparative...

In the company of; accompanying...

Something seen by a viewer; a view or prospect.

Used before singular or plural nouns and noun phrases that denote particular, specified persons or things.

On the farther side or other side of; beyond...

A general or descriptive heading, as of a book chapter.

By the week.

The cardinal number equal to 4 + 1.

- separated into parts -

The counting backward aloud...

The day of the week that comes after Sunday.

The portion of a line between any two points on the line.

People with this name tend to be passionate, compassionate, intuitive...

The name A... is an...

- something or someone belonging to or associated with me -

A word or words by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others.

A drink consisting of an infusion of the roasted and ground or crushed seeds of the coffee tree...

A list of the dishes to be served or available for a meal.

Hugi, related to hugu -- mind, soul, thought...

- masc. proper name -