
Showing posts from April, 2016

To portray a role or demonstrate a skill before an...

To have a beginning; commence...

At some later time...

2 make social; make fit for life in companionship with others...

To be appropriate or suitable to...

Within the field of view of a movie camera.

Capable of being seen; perceptible...

A man who does odd jobs or various small tasks.

Behind the Scene is not...

A character or part played by a performer.

To be performed...

An artistic performer or athlete whose leading...

To select from a number of possible...

The figure formed by two lines diverging from a common point.

A process or course likened...

Creativity and arts and crafts, much like regular >>> Lego bricks.

Usually made of leather, for holding... ;-)

To recognize or understand...

The cardinal number, represented by the symbol 1.

All around; on every side...

The possessive form of it.

To perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty.

Being or representing the entire or total number, amount, or quantity...

When used by editors or other writers, and formerly...

To change the position of so that the underside becomes...

The built-up portion of a shoe or boot,

In conversation, when >>> is used after be, have, do... ;-)

The reason, cause, or purpose for which...

Something shaped like the letter E.

PREP (Jur, Sport) ā†’ contra...

Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter w.

The objective case of they...

A word or words by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others.

26-04-2016 - One who shares a common ancestry...

26-04-2016 - The possessive form of you.

26-04-2016 - To have as a meaning, suggestion, or association...

26-04-2016 - Something shaped like the letter V...

26-04-2016 - Representing a speech sound and being a component of an alphabet...

26-04-2016 - A line of adjacent seats, as in a theater...

26-04-2016 - Of, relating to, or providing details; precise...

26-04-2016 - The act or position of one that sits.

26-04-2016 - A number of individuals or things...

25-04-2016 - ... character of the same name...

25-04-2016 - Is a fictional character appearing in American comic books...

25-04-2016 - Something in remade form, especially a new version of an earlier movie...

25-04-2016 - A room, building, or group of buildings where movies, television shows, or radio programs are produced.

25-04-2016 - The 23rd letter of the modern English alphabet x 2 + E.

24-04-2016 - Preceding all others in time; first...

24 - 04 - 2016 - Used before singular or plural nouns and noun phrases that denote particular, specified persons or things...

24-04-2016 - A person portrayed in an artistic piece, such as a drama or novel.

24-04-2016 - A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing, that symbolizes and communicates...

24-04-2016 - A notched and grooved, usually metal implement that is turned to open or close a lock.

24-04-2016 - Of distributed mode loudspeakers...


Exhibition or entertainment... ;-)

Connected by participation or association...

The area or seats immediately outside an arena or ring, as...

Mixed + arts...

Comes from Latin invitare...

A kit for building >>> with Lego bricks...

22-04-2016 - English playwright and poet whose works are noted for their exceptional verbal wit...

22-04-2016 - To repeat or copy (words from a source such as a book), usually with acknowledgment of the source...

22-04-2016 - First-rate; excellent...

22-04-2016 - A road, path, or highway affording passage...

22-04-2016 - Causing laughter or amusement...

22-04-2016 - Within the limits, bounds, or area of...

22-04-2016 - The act of twittering...

22-04-2016 - The eighth letter and sixth consonant of the modern English alphabet / The tenth letter of the modern English alphabet.

21-04-2016 - Of sand moulded into a castle-like shape...

21-04-2016 - To make or alter to individual or personal specifications...

21-04-2016 - The grains of sandlike material...

21-04-2016 - Used to indicate position above and supported by...

21-04-2016 - To assume or hold a particular position or posture, as in sitting for a portrait.

21-04-2016 - Informal A man; a fellow...

21-04-2016 - Equivalent to the sum of one and two; one more than two; 3.

A game or contest in which two or more persons... ;-)

A heap of >>> in a garden with earth between them...

To act as a spectator; look on...

A different example of the same sort...

In a direction toward so as to reach...

To move back and forth or from side to side, especially gently or rhythmically.

Being a single entity, unit, object...

Used to indicate a specified place or time as a starting point...

Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter s + The 19th letter of the modern English alphabet.

A person who acts in a play, film...

To contain or take in as a part, element...

A chain of radio or television broadcasting stations linked by...

Of, connected with, or engaged in commerce...

19-04-2016 - A salutation before... ;-)

19-04-2016 - Salsa di pomodoro e basilico... lol - ;-)

19-04-2016 - To season or flavor with >>> sauce...

19-04-2016 - Pasta in long, often thick strands...

19-04-2016 - A quality of something that is perceived by the sense of s...

19-04-2016 - The faculties of sensation as means...

19-04-2016 - To put into service or employ...

19-04-2016 - The objects laid out for a meal on this article of furniture.

19-04-2016 - A website where people can post short messages...

19-04-2016 - The 19th letter of the modern English alphabet + Something shaped like an S.

18-04-2016 - An instrument, especially a double >>> bass or bass guitar, that produces tones in a low register.

18-04-2016 - A marked innate ability, as for artistic accomplishment...

18-04-2016 - Next to; alongside of...

18-04-2016 - Sorte de petit vaisseau dont on se sert sur mer...

18-04-2016 - Any of the principal divisions of the ocean...

18-04-2016 - A visible image, especially one on a flat surface...

18-04-2016 - The act of twittering... LOL!

18-04-2016 - The fourth letter of the modern English alphabet + Something shaped like the letter J.

17-04-2016 - A speaker to indicate the beginning of a direct quotation...

17-04-2016 - Pleasing and agreeable in nature...

17-04-2016 - A game played with a bat and ball by two opposing teams...

17-04-2016 - Earlier than the present time; ago...

17-04-2016 - Also used to represent photographic or photograph.

17-04-2016 - The light chirping sound made by certain...

17-04-2016 - The tenth letter of the English alphabet, a consonant + The sixth letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.

Great privilege...

A source of enjoyment...

At all times; invariably...

A person whom one knows...

The early stage in the...

A usually short journey taken for...

An interval separating two points on this...

For or throughout a specified period...

15-04-2016 - There are three official variants: pizza marinara, which is made with tomato, garlic, oregano and extra virgin olive oil, pizza Margherita...

15-04-2016 - Suggest as appropriate, satisfying...

15-04-2016 - Esp in relation to its quality or taste...

15-04-2016 - Which thing or which particular one of many...

15-04-2016 - An establishment where meals are served...

15-04-2016 - What particular one or ones...

15-04-2016 - A person known well to another and regarded with liking...

15-04-2016 - Most satisfactory, suitable, or useful; most desirable...

15-04-2016 - A website where people can post short messages...

15-04-2016 - The exchange of thoughts and feelings by means of...

15-04-2016 - To hold in the mind; entertain...

The shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly... ;-)

Present during; attending...

A lively social event...

2 possess some similarity to; be like...

A contest in a sports competition, such as a meet...

>>> with Lego bricks...

Fresh and unused...

13-04-2016 - A brief, indefinite interval of time.

13-04-2016 - Produced annually in mid-late March or early April by...

13-04-2016 - A representation of the form of a person or object, such as a painting or photograph.

13-04-2016 - To undergo or experience again, especially in the imagination.

13-04-2016 - A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of...

13-04-2016 - A building or part of a building where goods or services are sold; a store.

13-04-2016 - The twenty-third letter of the alphabet.

The phrase has evolved to mean the fantasy world inhabited by certain...

The form of a used before words beginning with a vowel sound...

Second person singular and plural and first and third person plural present indicative of be...

Used to refer to the one or ones being addressed...

>>> so as to render it unintelligible without a special rece...

A surface or device on which an image, such as a movie, is displayed for viewing...

An unspecified or unknown person...

A numeral, 4, IV, etc, representing this number...

A short, usually descriptive literary sketch...

Time that is to be or come hereafter...

11-04-2016 - In the 1990s >>> exotica >>> resurfaced, along with a new category...

11-04-2016 - Something that provides access to or understanding of something else...

11- 04 - 2016 - Decorate with a star or stars...

11-04-2016 - A woman who was formerly...

11-04-2016 - The indefinite time yet to come...

11-04-2016 - A given name or the name that occurs...

>>> either promin...

Any solid convex shape that juts out from something...

The quality of being important and worthy of note...

A word or words by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others.

A contest in a sports competition, such as a meet...

A kit for building >>> with Lego...

09-04-2016 - Any of the celestial bodies visible at night... ;-)

09-04-2016 - The 23rd letter of the modern English alphabet.

09-04-2016 - A brief composition written or adapted for singing...

09-04-2016 - Regarded with particular favor or preference...

09-04-2016 - A series of names, words, or other items written, printed, or imagined...

Pleasing and easily remembered...

Likely to attract interest or...

A going from one place to another...

Route, or way on land between two places...

A manufacturer of distributed mode...

A diagrammatic representation of an area of land...

A word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a...

To have as a meaning... ;-)

A star that is the center of a...

The characteristic surface configuration of a thing; an outline or contour...

A strong beam of light that illuminates only a small area...

The point, as in a musical score, at which a performer begins.

An expression of gratitude...

06 -04-2016 - All pages beginning with...

06-04-2016 - A jellylike substance used in styling hair.

06-04-2016 - The state or quality of being cool.

06-04-2016 - Strategy in which a new name, term...

06-04-2016 - The music for this dance...

05-04-2016 - And lemon or lime juice...

05-04-2016 - Of, relating to, or characteristic of a particular place...

05-04-2016 - To distinguish the flavor of by taking...

05-04-2016 - A short, usually descriptive literary sketch...

05-04-2016 - Toutes les informations pour prƩparer votre voyage Ơ Porto R...

05-04-2016 - Lines of latitude measure north >>> south position...

05-04-2016 - Is a collective term for entertainment that is available and generally more popular from the late evening into the...

04-04-2016 - Obtain possession or use of (something) again after losing it...

04-04-2016 - 2 give or provide what is necessary to accomplish...

04-04-2016 - The plot of a novel, play, movie, or other narrative form.

04-04-2016 - That thing is a part of the activityā€¦

04-04-2016 - What is the meaning of the name Em...

04-04-2016 - Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history...

03-04-2016 - A descriptive heading, as of a chapter of a book.

03-04-2016 - Looking for the definition of W...

03-04-2016 - A structure consisting of a series of bars or steps between two upright...

03-04-2016 - The attraction that people come to watch...

03-04-2016 - Being three more than th...

03-04-2016 - The greatest time of the year, created by V...

03-04-2016 - Coming immediately after the present one in order...

A base, usually consisting of a hard rubber slab, at one of the corners of a diamond at which a batter stands when hitting...

The square formed by the four bases...

1 having exceptionally good qualities...

Who furthers the pro...

Or care of someone interested in his...

A person or thing of special merit added to a g...

Applies to what is the first...

"he tripled into right field"

A preface, as to a book...

The achievement of something desi...

2 communicate with a sign or signs...

2 post (another user's post) on the Twitter...

Having the taste or flavor of sugar, honey...

Producing the one of the four basic taste sensations...