
Showing posts from December, 2016

Define No. 1: number one... ;-)))

* Wants to know who you think should... *

A person, as a performer or athlete, who enjoys wide recognition...

Is an athletic form of storytelling that portrays...

*On the day after today*

* It's only a short distance from here *

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

The condition of >>> prospering; success... ;-)))

A successful, flourishing, or thriving...

Give me a > hint(s) as to...

Often referred to simply as NXT...

(television service provider)

A word or set of words by which...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

A feeling of appreciative + I have great respect for your work + Respect is a (the) way... ;-)))

A detail, point, or characteristic; particular...

Used preceding various forms of polite, affectionate, or familiar address...

Whose work shows exceptional creative ability...

1, such as a painter, sculptor, or writer, who is able by virtue of imagination and talent...

2 post (another user's post) on Twitter...

A sensation experienced through this sense...

Remarkable or outstanding...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

Equivalent to the sum of one and one; one less than three; 2 + A statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary + In combination = Give a name 2 - ;-)))

* In everyday use and in kinematics, the s>>> of an object is the... *

* Also called relative maximum, local maximum. The value of a function... *

Another term for light heavyweight...

A word or set of words by which a person is known...

The time or a period of time following the...

A short time away in the...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

On the first subsequent occasion + 1 that wins first place or first prize in a competition. ;-)))

Under the ring name >>> lya...

Showing or having interest...

A video display or speaker used in a production studio to check audio or video quality...

In or toward the area behind a performance space, especially the area in a theater...

Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter w + A playing card whose value can vary as determined by its holder.

Throughout the course or duration of...

The night or evening of this present day...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

Beautiful pic! on Twitter! Very nice! ;-)))

Loyalty. Holding true to people + A bunch of people who love each other...

The tenth letter of the modern English alphabet + A musical note or key referred to by the letter F.

The high five is a hand gesture that occurs when two people simultaneously...

An example of virtual is an imaginary...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

To produce through artistic or imaginative effort + Having been made or come into being only a short time ago + Something that is remembered - ;-)))

Inspiring or displaying awe...

The exchange of thoughts and feelings by means of speech...

The act or position of one that sits + In a position just ahead of or further forward + A real or artificial evergreen tree set up and decorated with lights and ornaments.

Feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness + Morally good forces...

Of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

Real meaning of X-MAS.

A daughter of one's brother or sister...

Belonging to or associated with the speaker - (my)

Make the nature or meaning of something understandable.

Welcome 2 a special edition of WVS.E! Merry X-MAS!

Form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression - ;-)))

With the purpose of entertaining an audience...

4 the reason that; since + riddle, secret...

Used to show that you think a word that is used to describe someone...

The calls for a square dance...

Used to refer to the ones previously mentioned...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

~ ... lines remain the same distance apart over their entire length... ~ ;-)

~ something very similar to something else, or a similarity between two things ~

~ side by side and having the same distance continuously between them ~

Often referred to simply as NXT + (Television service by which a subscriber...)

The name of a book, composition, or other artistic work.

A small book with blank or ruled pages for...

A shape like that of a capital A + ;-)))

Remarkable or outstanding + The state of undergoing interaction.

- providing amusement or enjoyment -

The Official Site of EA SPORTS FIFA 17.

Any of various games played on a video screen...

A website on which subscribers can post video files...

The display of a motion picture...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

_ Love reading your tweets_ _Ti auguro una buona giornata_ ;-)))

_On another note_ _He is known for playing Henry Hill_

... oF ThE yEaR...

A high-profile and extremely successful performer or athlete.

The first month of the year + Coming before all others in time or order; earliest; 1st.

~ Once Again is the second... ~

_ anĀ·nounced, anĀ·nouncĀ·ing, anĀ·nouncĀ·es_

Giving a sense of pride; highly gratifying...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

AMC dives into the comic book culture with this unscripted series that follows the... ;-)))

The cardinal number, represented by the symbol 1 + A separate part of a serialized work, such as a novel or television series + One of the four natural divisions of the year...

Something, such as a thought or conception, that is the... + Present and ready for use; at hand; accessible...

An indirect, covert, or helpful suggestion; > clue...

A publication relating one or more narrative episodes through a sequence of panels featuring art and text...

Having been made or come into being only a short time ago; recent...

To form (letters, words, or symbols) on a surface such as paper with an instrument such as a pen.

Something chosen or available as a...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

- 2 advance in a specified manner - YOURS --- ;-)))

- at that time; at the time in question -

- without hurrying, unhurriedly, steadily -

Stay in the place that one has been...

~~~ Let the Music Play ~~~

An opening, such as a door, passage, or gate, that allows access to a place.

A melody recurring so often in a musical play that it characterizes the production or one of its characters.

A return by a well-known person, especially an entertainer or sports player - (J.C.)

A first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a... (P)

And now... WE ARE LIVE ON WVS.E!

19 - 12 - 2016 - A room where an artist, photographer, sculptor, etc., works + equivalent to the product of two and two; one more than three, or six less than ten; 4.

19 - 12 - 2016 - The at sign, @, normally read aloud as "at"...

19 - 12 - 2016 - A quotation from a text or speech...

19 - 12 - 2016 - Represent (someone or > something) in a photograph or picture...

19 - 12 - 2016 - A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in movies, or on television...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E! <<< REWIND!

- Old Time Hockey features 5-on-5 arcade hockey gameplay - ;-))))))

- on the Xbox One in early 2017 -

- a two-button arcade version and a more... -

- there will be three control schemes -

- an electronic game played by means of images on a video screen and often emphasizing fast action -

- something that is so wonderful -

- calendar, divided into 12 calendar months -

- happening, belonging to, or done near the beginning -

Good morning and welcome!

This is the place to be! wvs.e1

- a card that can be relied on to win - ;-)))

- in accordance with fact or reality -

- a pair of wrestlers who fight as a team, taking the ring alternately -

- of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality -

- used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing -

- are released into the match at five-minute intervals -

- (can purchase events to view via private telecast) -

An idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring...

Good morning! 2! ALL MY GREAT FRIENDS!

And now... something resembling or likened to a drum in shape! We are live on WVS.E!

16-12-2016 - A show on the History (channel) depicting the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop - ;-)))

16-12-2016 - History (originally The History Channel)...

16-12-2016 - Especially one where unredeemed items are displayed and sold...

16-12-2016 - Does the phrase "Las Vegas"...

16-12-2016 - Able to be used or obtained; at someone's disposal...

16-12-2016 - A championship belt is a large...

16-12-2016 - > How > many books did you...

16-12-2016 - A programme given special prominence...

16-12-2016 - Something, such as a thought or conception, that is the product...

This is the place to be! It's time 4 WVS.E! REWIND!

The tenth letter of the English alphabet + The 19th letter of the English alphabet. ;-)

... and former television...

... for a teammate carrying the ball...

The outward or visible aspect of a...

Known or shared only by the...

A specific period of time, usually occupying a definite part or parts of a...

Each of the twelve named periods into which a year is divided.

Constituting number two in a sequence; coming after the first in time or order; 2nd.

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

See you soon! A domani! ;-)

Which helps disadvantaged youngsters.

Define great and get + worth doing or giving to because it will help other people.

- The Pro-Series is our most popular armwrestling table model -

- a member of the set of positive integers; one of a series -

- This piece is a > section of the pie -

- an enclosed area for the presentation of sports events -

- such as a thought or conception, that is the product -

- symbol of an organization, such as a sports team -

- goal using long sticks curved at the end -

The second letter of the modern English alphabet.

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

- regarded collectively... - ;-)))

- 2 put or bring together so as to make... -

- the part of a garment that encircles the... -

- consisting of two equal, identical -

- join together so as 2 provide -

- For Her and For Him -

- 2-in-1 dictionary definition -

- t-shirts and sweatshirts for the Xmas holiday -

Not derived from something else; fresh...

2 view + 2 - look at...

The imaginary quantity equal to the square root of minus one.

The day of the week before Sunday...

Most recent in time; latest...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

* A short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of...* ;-)))

A group of instrumentalists playing music of a specialized type...

All-time definition + Preferred before all others of the same kind.

A picture made using a camera, in which an image is focused onto film...

An online posting + Short posts called tweets.

The 12th letter of the English alphabet.

A person who sings, especially professionally.

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

YouTube - Hardwell Live at Ultra Music Festival Miami 2016 >>> 34:16 ~~~~ 36:10 ~~~ ;-)

Fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this...

Letters representing an S...

A word or set of words by which a person ~ referred 2 ~ nxt

On the same note...

~~~ @ the beginning of the (PPV) ~~~ or R or S or nx ~~~

10-12-2016 - Tomorrowland Belgium 2016 | Tiƫsto - @ 0:40 - 1:00 - Listen - 1 ;-)

10-12-2016 - He is named "the Greatest DJ of All Time" by MixMag magazine.

10-12-2016 - The recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual images...

10-12-2016 - {and the world on YouTube}

10-12-2016 - {or observe, as to see what}

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E! Rewind <<<

The place where an + real or > imaginary, occurs + lol - ;-)

A portion, division, piece, or segment...

2 describe or present in words...

Something shaped like the letter D + Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter j...

Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter z + Something shaped like the letter E...

The tenth letter of the modern English alphabet + The second letter of the modern English alphabet...

In the combined + The cardinal number equal to 2 + 1 + A person(s) who acts in stage plays, motion pictures...

- where people can post short messages about -

Informal spoken interchange of thoughts...

Making or given to making amusing jokes...

The thought of something + 2 further or encourage the progress + Any work, as of art or entertainment, having this form...

Also called: table napkin a usually square piece...

An instrument for writing regarded as a means of expression...

An acknowledgment of appreciation - ;-)

A type of espresso coffee topped with foamy steamed milk, and usually served in a tall glass...

A small restaurant in which coffee...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

* Achievement in the entertainment industry * ~~~ ;-)))

* Five-pointed terrazzo and brass stars embedded in the *

* Classic film camera representing motion pictures *

@ The characteristics that came to define... @

& A refined understanding or appreciation of... &

~ A short film made to advertise ~

# The second letter of the alphabet x 2 #

- A team of two professional wrestlers -

* A short time away in the future *

* At or to a short distance away; nearby *

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

Feel or show great joy or delight - ;-)))

An online posting + Short posts called tweets...

That partakes of the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as meter, rhyme...

Usually an evergreen conifer such as spruce, pine, or fir or an artificial tree of similar appearance, associated with the ...

Create (a work of art, especially music or poetry).

The tenth letter of the English alphabet + The sixth letter of the English alphabet...

A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in movies...

A brand of sticky notes that somehow became a verb. hmm...

Santino! Your latest tweet - Respect!

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!

A special - Hello Sms, msgs, cards messages, etc, lol (2) The Class of 92 (D B) - ;-)

Delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing... ;-)))

- Which allows users to publish short messages -

- Represent - (someone or something) in a photograph or picture.

Fashionable, stylish, chic, up-to-the-minute...

The 12th letter of the English alphabet...

A person who sings, especially professionally...

Good morning Maestro! And now... We are live on WVS.E!!!

05-12-2016 - A hat which keeps us W - ;-)

05-12-2016 - The word "tuque" is especially... ;-)))

05-12-2016 - The company is a supplier of sportswear and casual apparel... (AR)

05-12-2016 - Coming before all others in time or order; earliest; 1st.

05-12-2016 - Simple past tense and past participle of buy...

05-12-2016 - Very recently; in the immediate past...

Previously recorded on WVSE!

04-12-2016 - To put or set into, between, or among + Consisting of nougat topped with caramel and peanuts, enrobed in milk chocolate, Sni... ;-)

04-12-2016 - Causing laughter or providing + entertainment...

04-12-2016 - An outside area of ground where you can leave a car for a period of time...

04-12-2016 - Belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker...

04-12-2016 - _ball_ by maneuvering it on the ground between different players...

04-12-2016 - A person(s) with whom one works, especially in a profession...

04-12-2016 - A game played by two teams of eleven players with + A person who delivers a live commentary...

04-12-2016 - The M is the abbreviation for the + B is an acronym, abbreviation or...

Previously on WVS.E!

Former SNL star(s), funny movie maker(s)/actor(s) ;-)))

By the side of; side by side with...

A literary or cinematic work of a comic nature + The movie industry.

Used to refer to the (one) or ones being addressed...

2 have a mental image of; visualize...

Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer.

A building with facilities for exercise... (B + A)

A person whom one knows and with whom one has a... ;-)

Good morning and welcome 2! WVS.E!!!

And now... WE ARE LIVE ON WVS.E!!!

02-12-2016 - Trick or joke, esp one in which something is + An ardent devotee; an enthusiast - (s) - ;-)))

02-12-2016 - The basic assumptions or principles of a subject.

02-12-2016 - Not in accordance with the...

02-12-2016 - Single; lone; not two or more...

02-12-2016 - A representation of a person or scene in the form of a...

02-12-2016 - 2 place (text) on a Web...

Previously on WVS.E!

According to the clock + Right now + " the time is..." + Eastern Standard... ;-)))

Answer the second > clue...

At the present time...

A member of any of the following sets of mathematical...

The area for which a particular player is...

The first month of the year...

A headword along with its related text...

The act or an instance of sur...

Good morning and welcome 2 WVS.E!