
Showing posts from September, 2017




29-09-2017 - Is the highest level of play in Minor League Baseball in the + The eighth letter of the alphabet - ;-)

29-09-2017 - Generally light and flexible, they try to mimic the bare...

29-09 -2017 - Are active wear used in competition and practice for the sport of wrestling...

29-09 -2017 - Sell or offer for sale at an auction - Great cause...

28-09-2017 - Code: "Here Comes The Money" - ;-)

28-09-2017 - WHEN + HABS + NICE + SPECTACULAR + PLAY + PLAY >>>

28-09-2017 - HEY CH + CENTRE BELL - ;-)

27-09-2017 - MERCHANDISE - TWO + WORDS + ON + JACKET - ;-)

27-09-2017 - Song recorded by American rapper Kanye West featuring guest vocals by...

27-09-2017 - A person who cultivates a personal relationship in order to attain...

27-09-2017 - A role or character adopted by an author or an actor.

27-09-2017 - Often referred to simply as NXT

27-09-2017 - Not existing before; made, introduced...

26-09-2017 - !Maybe! definition, perhaps; possibly...

26-09-2017 - Handwriting as distinct from print; written characters.

26-09-2017 - Something to do with people AND A WORD...

26-09-2017 - Buy movie tickets in advance, find movie times, watch trailers, read movie reviews...


25-09-2017 - The idea that the shape of wine glass should be... ;-)

25-09-2017 - A final product is a product that is ready for...

25-09-2017 - Steps taken in order to achieve a particular - wine - ;-)

25-09-2017 - The name Santino is an Italian...


See examples of - See you soon! ;-)

The state of being known or recognized by...

A period of time equal to sixty seconds or a sixtieth of an hour.

Equivalent to the product of three and five...

Changing the ________? experience for fans...

Built for the live fan experience...

an Italian dessert consisting of layers of sponge cake soaked in coffee and brandy or liqueur with powdered chocolate and mascarpone cheese. ;-)

Let me start off with this... wait a sec...

And now... WE R LIVE ON WVS.E!

22-09-2017 - Discover; to catch in... ;-)

22-09-2017 - What does _ _ ? have planned for The _ _ Show?

22-09-2017 - A distinctive attribute or aspect of something...

22-09-2017 - The day of the week before Wednesday and following Monday.

21-09-2017 - Join (something) to something + Lyrics of your (music) at the bottom + Time 2... ;-)

21-09-2017 - Next + Road + Trip + Tweet...

21-09-2017 - To make three times as much + Letter + The eighth letter of the alphabet.

20-09-2017 - The first letter of a popular + An establishment that provides lodging and usually meals, entertainment - ;-)

20-09-2017 - Represent (someone or something) in a photograph...

20-09-2017 - Your latest tweets with ya" and a bunch of different bands! Awesome!

20-09-2017 - A person who sings, especially professionally. L

19-09-2017 - Delightful, very pleasant, very nice, very agreeable + Rev. ;-) La + Ta. ;-)

19-09-2017 - A melody recurring so often in a musical play that it characterizes the production or one of its characters.

19-09-2017 - Not existing before; made, introduced...

WVS.E IS BROUGHT 2 YOU BY: There's a pretty interesting hockey game coming soon + Take a look at the Schedule - ;-) Should I buy tickets? - ;-)

18-09-2017 - During the period of time following... + Wrestle + A + Great + Match + 4 + THE + W.

18-09-2017 - ...silenced the crowd with a... + that temporarily turns off the sound of a television...

18-09-2017 - Synonyms for bring out + controls a ... , especially a television or VCR, from a distance...

18-09-2017 - something that surp... + possibly seems to come from nowh...

18-09-2017 - A thought or collection of thoughts that generate in the...

18-09-2017 - The fourth letter of the alphabet + The twenty-sixth letter of the alphabet.

I forgot, good morning Lukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... ;-)

17-09-2017 - An arithmetical value, expressed by a word, symbol, or figure + Having the value of 1 = ;-)

17-09-2017 - 2 keep doing something in the...

17-09-2017 - Cause to feel happy and satisfied.

Good morning wrestling industry!

Signature match types: *SS* > elimination tag team match... ;-)

A group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport.

Professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event held in N...

Standing/open invitation... * This is key *

And now... WE R LIVE ON IN AT WVS.E!

15-09-2017 - 2 press or squeeze with a...

15-09-2017 - A solid material that is typically hard, shiny...

15-09-2017 - A word or set of words by which a person...

15-09-2017 - A role or character adopted by an author or an actor.

15-09-2017 - Often referred to simply as NXT...

14-09-2017 - The scenery and props as arranged for shooting a film ... feels more like a film set...

14-09-2017 - An act of assuming control of something, especially...

14-09-2017 - An act of performing or participating in...

14-09-2017 - Fandango is an American corporation that sells + TB...

13-09-2017 - In May 2002, he made his debut on SmackDown - ;-)

13-09-2017 - Directed by Denis Villeneuve and written by Hampton Fancher and Michael Green...

13-09-2017 - A story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown...

13-09-2017 - Words expressing praise for an achievement or good wishes...

12-09-2017 - The term ā€œstartupā€ has been + it is important for tech-oriented...

12-09-2017 - Being in the first or early stage...

12-09-2017 - Expend money with the expectation of achieving...


11-09-2017 - A > belt supports trousers or other articles of clothing...

11-09-2017 - A fashion company started by Guccio...

11-09-2017 - Not existing before; made, introduced...

11-09-2017 - In a photograph or picture.

11-09-2017 - A person who sings, especially professionally. JL

10-09-2017 - American businesswoman, and... but appears on SmackDown Live as well.

10-09-2017 - (In the direction of... )

10-09-2017 - Give an explanation of, make clear...

10-09-2017 - Be the cause of or motivating factor for...

10-09-2017 - The day of the week before Wednesday and following Monday.

10-09-2017 - What is kick > start...

10-09-2017 - ... in a boxing match...

10-09-2017 - A slang term for knock...

Good morning cool guys! CTZ 10 AM?

Good morning Luke! ETZ

Good morning wrestling industry!

... is defined as the process when one thing becomes part of another thing, or the... ;-)

A verbal formula giving an indication as to what is to be...

(The name of a book, composition, or other artistic work.)

A word or set of words by which a + (PPV) + NXT...

> Within a short time...

And now... WE R LIVE ON WVS.E!

08-09-2017 - Correlation, correspondence, parallel + And often known simply as Vegas...

08-09-2017 - Make musical sounds in the form of a song or tune...

08-09-2017 - They are usually a spontaneous...

08-09-2017 - He was formerly on > NXT as a former > NXT Tag ...

07-09-2017 - Obtain from (a number) another which contains the first number a specified number of times, increase...

07-09-2017 - Choose-your-own-path version...

07-09-2017 - A system of words, letters, figures...

07-09-2017 - Buy movie tickets in advance, find movie times, watch trailers... FAN... ;-)


06-09-2017 - ... known for its coffee and MUFFIN(S)...

06-09-2017 - Fun, inspiring, and humorous pins all about COFFEE!

06-09-2017 - A person whose profession is acting on the stage, in movies, or on television. Dw.

05-09-2017 - Amusing, diverting, entertaining + Nicky Sampogna + A sequence of foot movements that make up a particular dance!

05-09-2017 - Is a basic tenet of photography + camera...

05-09-2017 - A division of a play or of an act of a play, usually...

05-09-2017 - A long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms.

05-09-2017 - Relating to or situated in the area behind the stage in a theater.

04-09-2017 - Pat Laprade is the author of Sisterhood of the Squared Circle + TVA SPORTS = ;-)

04-09-2017 - A title used before a surname or full name to address...

04-09-2017 - Television rights to the... + RAW...

04-09-2017 - Words expressing praise for an achievement.

03-09-2017 - Design or plan the movements of actors on a stage or movie set - ;-)

03-09-2017 - When one of these becomes...

03-09-2017 - A collection of short, pithy expressions identified...

03-09-2017 - Comprise or contain as part of a whole.

03-09-2017 - Shop stylish designer > t-shirts.

03-09-2017 - That is an excellent > idea.

03-09-2017 - This is for the cool guys + 10 Am = ;-)

Good morning wrestling industry!

A small card printed with one's name, professional occupation, company position, business address, and other...

Brand Is Now > Worldwide... to discuss...

... is a basic tenet of photography...

A piece of furniture with a flat or sloped surface and typically with drawers...

A sequence of continuous action in a play, movie, opera, or book...

Music ~ please ~ AND ~ now ~ We ~ R ~ LIVE ~ ON ~ WVS.E!

01-09-2017 - The day of the week before Tuesday... R

01-09-2017 - 2 start to be seen or to be present...

01-09-2017 - Within a promotion who have a common elementā€”friendships, either...

01-09-2017 - A period of time in September...

31-08-2017 - The quality or state of being particular as distinguished from...

31-08-2017 - The sport that has the best playoff...

31-08-2017 - A playoff-like atmosphere was probably as...

31-08-2017 - W history and one of the "Big Four"

30-08-2017 - Favorite Song Lyrics...

30-08-2017 - A posting made on the social media website...

30-08-2017 - A shape like that of a capital H.

30-08-2017 - Three times as much or as many...

29-08-2017 - A person who plays video games or participates in role-playing games...

29-08-2017 - Usually very good at it...

29-08-2017 - A person known for consistently making a strong...

Time 4 a short intermission!

29-08-2017 - A role or character adopted by an author or an actor.

29-08-2017 - Often referred to simply as NXT...

28-08-2017 - Be or allow or cause to be visible - 1 - Letter - V -

28-08-2017 - A music video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for...

28-08-2017 - A mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a computer...

28-08-2017 - Better known by the ring name CoYD...

27-08-2017 - The formula includes algebra identities...

27-08-2017 - ... that is the question...

27-08-2017 - The 1 AND only...

27-08-2017 - Please welcome my guest at this time,...

Only good things my friends - ;-)

Welcome - Wrestling Industry.